Subject: 157% More Traffic, 40% More Sales, 1 Incredible Plugin

Hey Friend,

Every time you turn around there is a new product, plugin,

theme, etc., claiming to be the answer to all your prayers.

Most of the time it is all hype and you end up feeling like

you got burned.

Today I can tell you that this is not and will not be the case

with what I am about to tell you.

We all know is the single most powerful shopping

marketplace on the web.  One of the things which makes this

so is the Review system which is in place on the site.  

Everyone reads the Reviews before they buy.  I do it, you do it, 

everyone does it, right?

Why?  We want proof that we are making the right decision and

buying this product is the right choice.  This kind of Proof is 

the single most powerful way to generate sales in ANY Market.  It 

does not have to be online.  It is simply a fact that people will 

trust other people's opinions long before they will trust the 

product creator.

It is called Social Proof and now you can not only add this to 

every Wordpress blog you own, but you can also use it on your

Client sites as well.  Online Marketing, Offline Marketing, it 

does not matter.  Now there is a one size fits all tool for 

everything you do.

See What's On Offer Here

This Plugin is a complete Reviews solution for your

blog and it doesn't matter what niche you are in.  This

thing is foranyone who wants to use the power of Social 

Proof to drive Buyer Traffic to their blogs.

This plugin takes every Review that's Submitted to

your blog and posts it on Facebook and Twitter, 

making every Review submitted on your site have

the chance to go completely Viral.  

But that's not even close to being it.  This thing is

also built as an SEO Optimized tool which auto

updates Google every single time a new Review is

posted to Your site as well via its Structured Data

built for Google Custom Search.

Visitors to your sites can submit Reviews using Facebook,

Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Wordpress itself.

It is entirely up to you which options you want to employ.

Plus, it can be completely customized to fit your sites and

even allows you to use Custom CSS if you are an Advanced 


You can collect optins from every reviewer and add them to 

your mailing list on Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp, (and 

More).  Plus you can have automatic Success Emails sent to

each Reviewer ever time a Review is submitted.

This goes hand in hand with the Reputation Management

and Rewards System the plugin has as well.  Show Reviewers

what you want them to see based on good or bad Reviews

and give Rewards, Content, Coupons, etc.

Did I mention that this Plugin is also WooCommerce Ready

as well?

You have to see the Video Demo to truly understand

how powerful this Plugin really is.  There are just way

too many features to list here.

Take a Look:

Check It Out Here

After seeing that, I know you will be convinced. 

I am convinced already.

Good Luck!

Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again









