Subject: 4 figures in leads without an opt in... :-O
4 figures in leads without an opt in... :-O
September 2nd, 2020 at 1:35 pm ESTHi, most marketers are excited when they can get a 50% conversion on an opt in page these guys are getting 83.4% of visitors on to their list... and these leads are opting out less than the traditional way! right now you can learn how to do the same ...
They set the bar twice. Now they’ve done it again…
September 1st, 2020 at 6:11 pm ESTHi, PLR needs to be high quality in two respects - the Content the Marketing Materials most PLR packages struggle to do either of these well, VERY FEW manage BOTH! the guys behind the 'Viking PLR' brand do... Their executive collection PLR is simply ...
There's PLR, then there's this...
September 1st, 2020 at 3:18 pm ESTHi, PLR needs to be high quality in two respects - the Content the Marketing Materials most PLR packages struggle to do either of these well, VERY FEW manage BOTH! the guys behind the 'Viking PLR' brand do... Their executive collection PLR is simply ...
Ending: Project Restart
August 31st, 2020 at 5:30 pm ESTHi, it's a question that comes up fairly often... 'What would I do if I had to start from scratch?' the answer is simple, I'd follow one of these 5 proven internet marketing business models - they work, they also ...
What I'd do if I had to start again...
August 31st, 2020 at 7:51 am ESTHi, it's a question that comes up fairly often... 'What would I do if I had to start from scratch?' the answer is simple, I'd follow one of these 5 proven internet marketing business models - they work, they also ...
Watch a super affiliate make it easy...
August 30th, 2020 at 6:00 pm ESTHi, the beauty of affiliate marketing is it's simplicity... you need a landing page and way to send traffic to it you don't need to worry about creating or delivering a product, or support for buyers Here's a 22 minute case study of 6 figures being m ...
KISS - 1 page + 1 Ad = 6 figure income [case study]
August 30th, 2020 at 8:11 am ESTHi, the beauty of affiliate marketing is it's simplicity... you need a landing page and way to send traffic to it you don't need to worry about creating or delivering a product, or support for buyers Here's a 22 minute case study of 6 figures being m ...
Buyers Only!
August 29th, 2020 at 6:34 pm ESTHi, Last call, this offer ends tomorrow! protecting your hard work and investment doesn't have to be difficult... Here's a super simple WP Plugin that let's you protect your download pages to make sure they don't get shared on the 'black hat' forum ...
Plugin protects your download pages [5 mins setup]
August 29th, 2020 at 10:35 am ESTHi, Last call, this offer ends tomorrow! protecting your hard work and investment doesn't have to be difficult... Here's a super simple WP Plugin that let's you protect your download pages to make sure they don't get shared on the 'black hat' forum ...
Software for Resale: Text to Speech in 35 languages
August 28th, 2020 at 5:34 pm ESTHi, want some software to sell as your own? How about a Text 2 Speech app with 35 Languages and 86 Human 'Speech Sounds' all for just $14, including resale rights! It uses Microsoft’s Deep Neural Networks, which takes care of all the attributes of ...