Subject: Weekly News summary... [aka emergency monkey magnet university]


another week gone by and suddenly the holiday season is upon us, I really must get around to buying some presents for the kids... lol!

I've been looking at the goodies on and suspect must of my purchases for friends & family are going to come from there this year, they have some very funny stuff!

here's the best bits from the last week for you to check out:

#1: Kristie Chiles Christmas Emergency Cash system - a pretty simple and easy systemt to earn a bit of extra cash for the holidays and still under $10:


#2: Simon & Jeremy's Landing Page Monkey is about to jump way up in price! This tool does create the most eye catching landing pages I've ever seen, it's worth checking out the examples on the page just to see what is possible now:


#3: **Pick of the Week** : Shawn Pringle, Michael Krisa & Todd Gross's Email Click Magnet - this let's you put videos in to your emails to get much higher click through rates...

*Note: use the coupon "mattscrowd" to grab a 30% discount ;-)


#4: Henry Gold Twitter PLR - 'does what it says on the tin', some top quality Twitter PLR for you to sell:


#5: Clickbank University - if you're still confused or worried about what to with the whole EU/UK VAT thing then using Clickbank is the simplest way to make all of that go away:


#6: Chris Jenkins Blog Fresh Power - Autopilot content for your blog:


Have a fun weekend, I've got my son visiting, so we're off to watch the 3rd installment of the Hobbit! :-)
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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