Subject: No business owner ignores THIS email


If you're looking to sell any service to local business owners over email, then getting your email opened is the first crucial step.



Yet most sales emails get a 10-20% open rate, meaning over 80% of prospects never even read your sales message.

The problem is that every business owner's inbox is filled with sales pitches every day, and it's easy for them to sniff out a sales pitch and toss them in the virtual trash.

The trick to getting an email opened: Don't sound like a sales message.

You need your email subject line to read like normal business emails that they open out of habit.

And what is the one topic no business owner will ignore?

Legal matters.

Getting an email about pending legal action sends shivers down any business owner's spine, gets them to stop what they are doing, and pay full attention to the message.

My favorite subject lines to businesses usually start off with the words 'Legal Warning' or 'pending lawsuit'.

Now, of course, the body of your email needs to follow through on the subject line with an offer that matches.

Recently I have been offering website accessibility services to business owners to help them avoid the growing number of lawsuits for non-compliance with disability laws.

This 'legal warning' email tactic works perfectly with an 80% open rate and 40% response rate when sent to the right business owners.

That's unheard of in the consulting world. Most are lucky to see a 10% open rate and a 3% response from typical cold emails.

Using this legal warning strategy combined with the right targeting has some consultants closing 3-4 deals per day at $1,000 each.

Want to have a 'legal warning' sales funnel made for you to produce the same results?

I've worked with Luther Landro to put together a complete done-for-you package that does just that...

A package guaranteed to book your first client in under 48 hours.

You can learn about this done for your package (as well as see a full walk-through of the method buy you buy) at this new video presentation we just released here:

This service is set to explode over the next two years as businesses around the country face lawsuits for not having websites that are accessible to persons with disabilities.

Getting in now will allow you to establish yourself as the go-to consultant for fixing these issues and complying with disability laws...

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
