Subject: Niche Site Builder review + Weekly Roundup


phew, it's finally done, P1 video magnet really is an all singing, all dancing niche video site maker on steroids!

The review is up, you can check it out here:

NOTE: The price goes up on this one in just under 12 hours from now...

And here's a bit of a catch up on the other stuff that's worth checking out from this week:

#1: IM 'Guru' PLR - this firesale offer will be taken down at the end of tomorrow (Saturday 22nd Nov), so grab it before it's gone, here's the full review I posted:

#2: CPA Marketing in a box PLR - more high quality PLR and on a topic that you don't often get to see:


#3: Alex Jeffries' "Launch Bible" - I've included my own JVZoo launch "To Do" checklist for you as a bonus on this one, and it's still under $10, so quite the bargain!

Launch Bible: ~>

#4: 460+ Graphics Booster pack from Mark Mason - this one has an option for Resale & Developer Rights on the up sell if you want to be able to sell these yoruself...

Graphics Booster Pack: ~>

Now I'm off to pick my daughter up from the train station so we can go watch the new Hunger Games movie, I'm not sure I'm going to be impressed by this one... ;-)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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