Subject: New app makes it easy to get what you want from FB Pages...


Forget everything you’ve already heard about FB marketing

You’ve heard all the war stories from triumph to failure and how the big companies keep crushing the small guy

It happened at Google, Amazon and now Facebook too

Which is why you need to see this breakthrough in getting FB Fanpage reach like never before...

it’s something that could change the course of your online marketing!

this will help you to:
  1. Build massive Fanpage leads
  2. Dominate niches previously impossible
  3. Poll visitors and pull massive traffic
Quick Summary:
  • Real time reaction counts in your videos to boost engagement
  • News Ticker: Display your offers like news tickers on live video. (CUSTOMIZABLE)
  • Live guessing game, Set game rules and display winners name at end of the video
  • Set time, how long the live poll will run.
  • 25+ premium background for live poll.
  • History of Game winners.
  • Detailed statistics of published videos
  • Background Music: User can add background music along with their poll video. We will provide 20 royalty free background music files.
  • FB Live Scheduler: Create and post a live schedule announcement to go live with user’s or page’s profile picture before a specific hour (set by user) of live video. Able to announce to audience about the upcoming live video.
  • Voting with Reaction (Total 9 Templates): With this feature you can make your fans choose between 1 to 9 different choices.
Hit the button below to see it in action for yourself now:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:



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