visitors think nothing of grabbing your content with a quick right click and then sharing it or using it themselves...
Now there's a simple WP plugin that turns this to YOUR advantage!
and I really do mean simple, you can have this up and running in under 10 second... :-O
Did you know that up to 70% of all social sharing is done by simply copy and pasting the content to email?
This plugin is not intended to prevent people from copy and pasting your content, In fact with the plugin installed you want as many people as possible to keep doing so, because you'll now benefit from it...
and it WON'T interfere with or replace other social media strategies - it simply mops up the 70% that are currently lost to you.
it's on a dimesale and it's proving to be popular, which means you need to lock in your copy quick, before the price goes up again: