Subject: 35 Year old dad makes $1.5 Million from Fiverr...


I'm sure you're familiar with online freelancer sites, such as Fiverr and Freelancer.

BUT did you know some freelancers are making millions of dollars, and some are even doing it passively?

A 35 year old dad has made over $1.5 Million on Fiverr offering very simple services...

Then there's the teenager named Katie who became a millionaire making simple videos...

And the 38 year old who lost his job but now makes $160k per month of "passive" freelancing income!

My friends just launched a new platform that can help you cash in on this profitable trend:

it uses technology to automate the creation of some of the most in-demand services on freelancer sites.

Specifically, it allows you to create certain kinds of videos and voiceovers for any niche with just a few clicks. (Seriously, go watch the demo)

you could use this tool to break into one of the hottest areas of freelancing right now.

Businesses NEED these specific kind of videos, and they regularly pay $100 - $500 to have them created!

Using the new InstantVidz platform, you can provide these services while only "working" for a few minutes. Of course your clients don't need to know that ;-)

Quick Summary:

 - Ready to use 100 Vertical Video Marketing Templates & 100 Horizontal Vertical Video Marketing templates with 10 Niches

 - User can choose any one vertical marketing templates at a time and convert into vertical marketing video -using editing tool (Video Must be 30 Second to 60 Second)

 - Video Editing tools

 - Searchable Vertical Videos

 - Choose from any templates from search and create vertical video of Minimum 30 Second to 60 seconds

 - Create Vox and add Vox to vertical videos with Volume Controller

 - Can Add background music with vox in vertical video with Volume Controller

 - Speed Control, Trim Video, Add ready to use stickers, add image watermark, add test, add music into video, add Vox, add Emoji ETC

 - Download Videos from the APP into your system and upload on any social media channel for promoting your business.

 - Convert Horizontal Videos into Vertical Videos

 - Store up to 1 GB (FE) and 2GB (Upsell) of Videos per month

 - 100% Beginner Friendly

 - 10,000 Downloadable Vertical Videos

 - 10,000 Downloadable Horizontal Videos

Click the link to watch the demo NOW:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

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