Hi, I guess it's possible that there could be an easier way to build Azon affiliate sites, I'm just not sure how, this thing is just so darn fast & easy...
here's the process:
- pop in your keyword and hit "Process"
- the system pulls in products related to that keyword directly from Amazon and creates up to 50 posts based on those products
- you can tick which one's (or all) that you want to use
- You can choose to schedule them to post on specific dates/times as well
- Click Add Posts and you're done!
the plugin also includes automated content spinning using either The Best Spinner or Spin ReWriter The post includes the Amazon images, product description, new & old prices with an Amazon approved "Buy from Amazon" button, a related YouTube video, Customer reviews, and any custom ads you've created.
oh, and they're made sure it syndicates with OnlyWire for automatic social posts & backlinks.
As I said, I'm not sure how it could be easier or quicker to builds full Amazon niche sites!
Note #1: Prices of products are automatically updated, as required by Amazon.
Note #2: the setup includes a way to make sure you're actually cookied for 90 day with your visitors!
The launch offer pricing is still available, and you can watch the demo video here: