Subject: ðŸ“… Niche Quiz List Building... [6 Day Challenge]

Quizzes GET Leads


we all know know Quizzes are fun

But did you know Quizzes are one of the most effective lead generation tactics online?

Just last year, BuzzFeed generated over 200 million page views from just 4 viral quizzes!

Join in on the 6 Day List Building Challenge to see how you can use Quizzes to build your email & customer lists -

The Quizitri Lead Challenge gives you everything you need start generating highly targeted leads from simple quizzes that take 5 minutes to write.

There's a lot to like about quizzes for marketers.

 - The average quiz is shared around 2,000 times giving you huge potential for engagement.

 - Quizzes identify exactly what a prospect most wants and needs, which makes list segmentation, product development, and sales funnel planning much more effective.  

 - A simple quiz page like you build during the challenge works without a website, landing page, lead magnet, blog, video, or pre-existing social media following.

Bottom line:

99% of lead acquisition tools and strategies are a hard, tedious slog to learn and use.

And they're often untested and unproven in real world scenarios.

But these quizzes are fun to make, fun for your prospects to take, and have the added bonus of being backed by a ton real world proof.

So if you want a guaranteed system for generating new leads in as little as 6 days, and you want to have a lot of fun doing it, check out the Quizitri 6-Day Lead Challenge.

It's available at a special price for a few days only.

See the link below:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:

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