Subject: ★ 40 1920x1080 'ACTION' Video Backgrounds


Have you spotted the new moving 'action' backgrounds popping up in people's videos?

if you've not noticed them already, you will soon, they really are eye catching...

a couple of guys I know have just launched a set of them with Developers Rights HERE

These are beautiful high definition 1920x1080 motion background videos. 

They're abstract animations, so they can be used in any video.

Just drop these background videos behind yourself if you're doing green screen, or do your text in a layer on top of one of them. 

Most text-to-video software will accept a background video file, just load one of these beauties up and you'll have a professional looking video that will keep your viewer engaged.

Plus use them for website video backgrounds, presentations, anywhere you need interesting video backgrounds.

Quick Summary:
  1. 40 1920x1080 Video Backgrounds
  2. Color Variations For Each
  3. Bonus 6 4K Video Backgrounds
Note: there's a price hike at midnight tonight:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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