Subject: [JV's] Here's an Awesome Promo For You Next Week...

[JV's] Here's an Awesome Promo For You Next Week...

June 27th, 2021 at 1:00 pm BST

Hey there JV Partners, there is a weekend sale going on next week that you should really consider promoting...It's called a FREEDOM SALE because it happens on the July 4th weekend and because the products focus on creating financial freedom!Check it ...

[JV's] Rake in $2,746.25 Per Sale With This - With Proof!

May 27th, 2021 at 1:00 pm BST

Yes, you might think that's a made up figure there, but believe me it is NOT!! That's the REAL potential earnings that you can make from just ONE sale of John's Ambassador program.See for yourself here: oth ...

JV's - Do You Promote ClickBank Products?

January 11th, 2020 at 3:41 pm BST

As a valued JV I want to tell youabout a solution that can help youautomate more of your business ifyou promote ClickBank products.When promoting ClickBank products,bonus delivery is one of thosetasks that most affiliates justknow is a necessary evil ...

NMK JVs - We Close Tonight - Queue This Email Right Now

December 30th, 2019 at 3:10 pm BST

=====================LAUNCH ENDING TONIGHT:CLOSING SWIPE BELOW.=====================We are entering the final few hoursof the Niche Marketing Kit launchand sales are still FLYING in.In fact, we are now seeing multiplesales per minute.Sending an extra ...

NMK JV's - Final Day - Now is The Time to Blast Those Final Emails

December 30th, 2019 at 5:00 am BST

Just a quick email to let you knowthat our Niche Marketing Kit'Festive BLOWOUT' is absolutelyFLYING, we are fast approaching1000 total sales and there's stilltime to jump on board...But you'll need to be quick!If you want to make some FAST CASHfor th ...

NMK JVs - We Close Tomorrow - Closing Swipes Enclosed

December 29th, 2019 at 4:58 pm BST

=====================LAUNCH ENDING TOMORROWCLOSING SWIPES BELOW.=====================We are entering the final phaseof the Niche Marketing Kit launchand sales are still FLYING in.In fact, we are often seeingmultiple sales per minute.Sending one or tw ...

JV's - Final Phase of Our Record Breaking Launch - Closing Email Swipes Enclosed

December 29th, 2019 at 11:20 am BST

We are about to enter the finalphase of the Niche Marketing Kitlaunch and now is the time to queueup those final emails.First of all, here are some stats:## Over $22,000 in sales so far.## Over 700 funnel sales.## The $99 Upsells still converting at ...

JV's - 20k in Sales - See The Top 30 Live Leaderboard - Top ClickBank Seller

December 28th, 2019 at 2:25 pm BST

The Niche Marketing Kit is stillabsolutely flying and we are only48 hours in.Here are some stats:## Over $20,000 in sales so far.## Over 550 funnel sales.## The $99 Upsells converting at over 40% for the top JVs.## $7+ EPCs for the top JVs with some ...

NMK JVs - $10+ EPCs - Over $10,000 Paid Out Already

December 27th, 2019 at 3:55 pm BST

The Niche Marketing Kit isabsolutely flying and we have onlyjust passed the 24-hour mark.This is one launch you don't wantto miss, here are some early stats.## Over 370 Sales so far. ## Over $5 EPCs on the frontendalone for the top JVs with someJV's ...

JVs - The Niche Marketing Kit is Live

December 26th, 2019 at 1:59 pm BST

The Niche Marketing Kit is liveand we are expecting to breakrecords with this.We have a special early bird offerin place that will push conversionseven higher, especially in thefirst few hours. So get thoseemails sent out ASAP.Also, we have just adde ...