Subject: Friend Join our 21 June Solstice!

Join our 21 June Solstice event!
Hi Friend

Firstly, let me extend my gratitude again for all of you in this community and your amazing response to my request at the end of May! My car is (thankfully) back on the road & ready to carry me wherever I need to be next!! It wouldn't have been so without your incredible support :)

There was another deeply personal gift that I received through the events 3 weeks ago & that was a profound message of 'We see you, we hear you". This was profound for me in light of other events beyond the car issue that is related to biological family effectively cutting me off (long stories & lots of history and manipulation). As is said, we have the family we are born with and the family we choose. I am beyond grateful for my 'chosen family' and thank you all for being a part of that!

Upcoming on 21 June, we have our community Solstice gathering that I hope you will join us for.

While solstices and equinoxes have their own energetic significance and have always been marked by ceremony in the 'traditional' indigenous cultures, there are a number of additional influences being brough to bear through this June Solstice!

It may seem ironic that the focus here & in our energy process this month is 'Self-sufficiency' given that I needed to ask the community for assistance this past month! However, our understanding of self-sufficiency does not equate to isolation or total independence, rather it is a subtle shift in context which refers more to our relationship with external authority, security, and independece vs inter-dependence within community. Given the state of affairs in the external world, we are being asked to reflect on what in our lives creates our security externally. How much of our sense of security is based on external authority as opposed to our deeper internal connections and our own infinite nature? Where are our emotional attachments? What dramas are we addicted or manipulated in to? What illusions govern our actions and decisions?

In addition to this, the current energetics designed to bring us home again to the true nature of our own being, require a deeper exploration of the wounded masculine (intricately linked with the entire concept of self-sufficiency and survival), and how vulnerable we are able to allow our inner feminine aspects to be. The programmed distortions of inner feminine and masculine lend to illusions and distortions within our own sense of deservingness.

There is a great deal of flux in the energetics through this solstice - which is also needed in order to establish the re-structuring and re-forming of our societies in greater alignment with natural laws. What we are dealing with at all levels of our being is pretty huge (and can be pretty exhausting at times!!)

Our Solstice event will explore many of these aspects and take us beyond the wounds to bring us home to ourselves in a more embodied way!

Do join us for what promises to be another beautiful community experience, ultimately generated by the energetic contributions of each and every participant.

Joining as always, is by donation, so nobody need be excluded on the basis of
affordibility. The recording is also provided!

21 June 22 Solstice : Self-Sufficiency!

I have some new stock of energy plates in the store too - take a look at some of the beautiful new designs available. The energy plates are really popular, so grab yours while they are in stock!

With love and appreciation for your ongoing support

Julie x

"Be unapologetically brilliant as you shine the Love of who you are. Our world needs it"

Diamond Courses and Resources by Donation!

In the spirit of both gratitude and being of service, I am offering multiple Diamond Light Energy courses & programs on a donation basis.

There is no catch - it is simply an offer for you to exchange in a way that enables you to access some vital teachings and processes that will support you in being able to anchor yourself fully through these tumultuous times - and to do so irrespective of your means. These are valuable teachings from 20 years of working with the Diamond Light energy

Personal Remote Alignment Sessions

YOU' are a personal matrix of energies, templates and patterns - a living network of multiple streams of energy. Your energetic network is the means by which you interact both with your earthly environment as well as your higher beingness. 

As our energetic environment shifts and changes, there is an ongoing recalibration within your fields in order to awaken and adjust your templates to upgrade your consciousness. This is ultimately a journey into your Diamond Light 'True Self' and elevated consciousness.

These remote sessions work energetically to balance all aspects of your being, recalibrating them to a higher level. Your physical body literally has to rewire itself in order to accomodate a higher energetic charge and to physically be able to carry more light. The adjustments are  part of an ongoing process that gradually set up and aligns you with your new energy circuitry.

NEW Product : Personal Vibrational Remedy Blend

Get your own personal, vibrational remedy blend that is scanned and prepared just for you, with this unique offering.

We know that ALL of life is energy, frequency and vibration, so it is no surprise that vibrational remedies can often have a profound impact on our well-being. When these frequencies are properly focussed on an individual level (rather than a 'shotgun', or one size fits all approach!), even greater benefit can be achieved.


A beautifully curated series of mp3's taking you on a journey of purification, clarity, transformation and unification.

Offered on a donation only basis for your support at this time (and the first one is FREE)..

Gateway Processes HERE
Golden Diamonds Membership

For less than the cost of a single webcast, the Golden Diamonds membership provides you with a weekly community webcast, as well as support and additional discounts for members.

It just makes sense really!

Come and join our dedicated, supportive, conscious community :)

Diamond Love and Support

Thank you to the many who have provided support for Diamond Light World through your kind donations. All offerings are most appreciated!

Please use the button below to donate, or if you prefer to support in other ways, you can help by making a purchase of one of the many supportive products or programs from the store HERE

With love and infinite gratitude!

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