Subject: Friend 21 Dec Solstice : New Choices, Fresh Starts

21 December Solstice
New Choices, New Beginnings

Dear Friend

Our final teleclass for 2021 is a celebration of our own light - a light that is steadily amplifying as we choose to burn ever more brightly and allow it to guide our choices and actions!

21 Dec. Solstice : New choices, New Beginnings

There is no sugar coating the challenges we have faced and continue to face, however, there is a rapidly approaching tipping point that has the potential to be explosive in its effects, both positive and 'negative'. The influences around the solstice fuel a mounting tension underpinned by societal constriction and contraction that will need to find release - our choice will be in powerfully directing the energy within our own sphere of influence towards new choices and new beginnings.

Fresh ideas that uphold human dignity, choice and alignment with the eternal flow of the 'river of life itself'. Choices that withdraw our life force and energy from a decaying system and to begin realising what it means to Live as a sovereign being, impulsed by love.
Decisions that strengthen our awareness, determination and courage to stand out, be different, and celebrate our uniqueness.
Pivot points that embrace our innate freedom and capacity to dream a new world into being. Moment by moment, choosing love over lies, truth over propaganda, autonomy over control, sovereignty over coercion and the beauty that we know our world is capable of being.

Our final teleclass and energy process will amplify all that has been aligned in light throughout this year to infuse our thoughts, values, actions and dreams in correlation with the potential of the Solstice energy to increase the flow of light and love through each of us as 'nodes' in the grand restructuring of life!!

This also sets the tone for flowing into 2022 with great resolve, connection and joy!

Joining as always now, is by donation, so nobody is excluded :)

I also take this opportunity to extend my deepest appreciation to you all for your love, your support and your encouragement this year. May your festive season be filled with joy, companionship, laughter and above all else, love.

Never forget you were made for exactly these times and are most certainly never alone!
Thank you for being on this journey with me.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.

With love always

Julie x

Diamond Courses and Resources by Donation!

In the spirit of both gratitude and being of service, I am offering multiple Diamond Light Energy courses & programs on a donation basis.

There is no catch - it is simply an offer for you to exchange in a way that enables you to access some vital teachings and processes that will support you in being able to anchor yourself fully through these tumultuous times - and to do so irrespective of your means. These are valuable teachings from 20 years of working with the Diamond Light energy

A Special Fundraising Request for Brain Surgery for Stephanie

I am keeping this fundraising request going as the family still need as much help as they can get. They have been blessed and are extremely grateful for all of the support so far (I am in constant touch with them!). Stephanie continues to take everything in her stride with the most amazing grace. She is a special lady and she needs your assistance.

Message from Stephanie's parents :

"In 2018, our special needs daughter, Stephanie, overcame two separate lengthy and intensive brain surgeries to remove very invasive brain tumours. Unfortunately, the frontal lobe brain tumour that was removed from our Stephanie has returned with a vengeance. The swelling and pressure on her brain is being temporarily treated with drugs to slow the advance, and this will hopefully buy me enough time to raise the funds to get the operation done. The procedure is estimated at a cost of R200 000 to R300 000 ($25 000).
Your kind support is most appreciated"

If any of you are drawn to and are able to provide some assistance, please visit the official fundraising page linked below.

MASTERS OF DESTINY 2021 - recorded Masterclasses

What has become an iconic Diamond Light program, is now available as a recorded series for you to follow at your leisure. Being able to view events taking place through different lenses & understanding the journey towards our collective Destiny enables us to moderate our responses to external events.
If you missed the recent Live series, you can now access the recorded program completed just 2 months ago.

Read more and hear what participants had to say HERE
NEW Product : Personal Vibrational Remedy Blend

Get your own personal, vibrational remedy blend that is scanned and prepared just for you, with this unique offering.

We know that ALL of life is energy, frequency and vibration, so it is no surprise that vibrational remedies can often have a profound impact on our well-being. When these frequencies are properly focussed on an individual level (rather than a 'shotgun', or one size fits all approach!), even greater benefit can be achieved.

Special Fundraising Promotion for Tsau and the Sacred White Lions

The diamond + gold frequencies embodied in this oil, are mirrored by the rare and beautiful White Lions of Timbavati, South Africa - aptly known as 'Children of the Sun God'. Holding the higher consciousness of the Diamond Frequencies, together with the Golden Solar Codes through the sun, these unique animals remind us of our own potential for empowerment, courage, inter-connectedness, the power of the heart over the mind, and the true meaning of 'Good Governance' in our relationship with the natural world.

The Sacred White Lions are protected in their natural homeland, and are reliant entirely on the goodwill and donations of those who recognise their value to humanity. The funding from physical visits to this magical place has been deeply compromised over the past year, so this fundraiser pledges to gift ALL proceeds from sales of this special batch of Sacred Diamond Light Oil to Tsau.

All of the materials for these oils have been donated by myself and Liz Gilmour (

Limited Stock Available
Read More & Purchase your special Sacred Diamond Oil HERE


A beautifully curated series of mp3's taking you on a journey of purification, clarity, transformation and unification.

Offered on a donation only basis for your support at this time (and the first one is FREE)..

Gateway Processes HERE
Golden Diamonds Membership

For less than the cost of a single webcast, the Golden Diamonds membership provides you with a weekly community webcast, as well as support and additional discounts for members.

It just makes sense really!

Come and join our dedicated, supportive, conscious community :)

Diamond Love and Support

Thank you to the many who have provided support for Diamond Light World through your kind donations. All offerings are most appreciated!

Please use the button below to donate, or if you prefer to support in other ways, you can help by making a purchase of one of the many supportive products or programs from the store HERE

With love and infinite gratitude!

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