Dear Friend
"This time, like all times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it" Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Equinox (yes it is today at 9.30 am EDT)! A window in time to re-examine the concept of balance and what it means.
Over the past few days I have heard the energy described varyingly as "crushing, deep, intense, overwhelming, suffocating and feels as if 'something is coming'". As is so often said, it is only when carbon is put under severe pressure and heat that the diamond is created - many more diamonds on the way it would seem!!
As the gap between polarities is artificially widened, the window between them reveals bigger possibilities beyond limits, rules, obstacles and authoritarian impositions. The persistent illusion however, is the blind on the window!
The keys to flipping the blind are your claim to your own Sovereignty and Truth - not subjective or relative Truth, but the unmutable Truth of the natural world. Cosmic Truth. Universal Truth. This is where your voice finds its resonance & not in the AI induced world of what has is so clearly being shown up as the illusion it is with all fake news, fake bodies, fake justice, fake lawns, fake food.
Listen to your heart, for it wants to dance with Life and resonate with the Truth that your soul knows deep inside. The pressure and intensity are real for all that is fake within is being squeezed out, shown for what it is. There will be many more truths being revealed over the coming month beyond this equinox - uncomfortable truths, messy truths, inconvenient truths - and they all mean that our world will never go back to what it was. What is known cannot be unknown, What is seen cannot be unseen.
Through this, we are also slicing through our own illusions and actions/beliefs that have brought us to this point. We dig ever deeper and deeper to purify and become the Sovereign, become the embodiment of what we know to be True. We will stand for what really matters (and many, many more already are!).
We are here to embody a new paradigm. To flip the blind and let the light stream in. To dance with the new life that is being dreamed into being. To be uncomfortable. To harmonise within. To take responsibility. To discover what being Sovereign really means. To restore justice and peace.
Like the student breaking away from the teacher, this is an uncomfortable part of our journey. It is a time of testing all that has been learned and become known so that we can recalibrate, strengthen and find our own way. Ground, ground, ground.
The heat is on!
Join us today for the next stage of the journey through the September Equinox (recording will be provided if you are unable to join us Live!)
Be brave. Embody and Live your deepest/highest Truth. Be Love. Feel the fear and do it anyway! It is our time of making NEW.
(Please see below for your free gift this month. It is a beautiful support for clearing and purifying your inner space so you can shine!)
With love always
In Lak'ech Ala K'in (I am another you)
Julie x