Subject: Eclipse + 12 January Transits : Cracking open the Seed

Welcome to 2020!
A Year of Soul Mastery

Cracking Open the Seed
Dear Friend

Welcome to the initiation of what promises to be a very powerful decade of irrevocable change - a stepping into your true destiny as a change-maker !

As many have spoken about, and are indeed feeling, this is a most powerful time as we launch into 2020, and it certainly has been an intense experience so far. The echoes of major heart opening amid the grief of the Australian bushfire crisis are reverberating around the planet, along with what remains of the primal fears of death as crisis after crisis dominates the world news. Earthquakes, floods, threats of war, economic recession etc urge us all to tap into this deep sense of our own mortality so we can face the fear of death head-on and begin to truly LIVE. The Pluto-capricorn conjunction brings huge closures to our lives, the death of past issues, of who we thought we were so that we can begin to restructure our lives to carry us forward with greater meaning and authenticity.
In the same way that we see new growth already emerging in the charred remains of Australia's (and African) forests, the heat and pressure of life softens the coating of the seeds we have been nurturing. Get ready for growth and grown up soul mastery!

The eclipse of the 10th is a major re-boot, and for many it is what we have been working towards and anticipating for many years of deep inner work and spiritual transformation. In fact building up to this time, there is an awareness of intense pressure - especially around the head area, a feeling of being squeezed (deeper purging and the release of the seeds of our original blueprints from its shell), and a deep need for extra sleep and rest!

This is the time of coming home to ourselves, to our uniqueness, power, inner strength and recognition of our own gifts. As we create our own, internal 'Garden of Eden' through the next decade, embracing the qualities of our soul without doubt, with commitment, alignment and understanding, this will become expressed and more visible in the external world. However, this is an intense time in the 'birthing process' that can leave one feeling insecure, filled with doubt, and aware of deep inner child wounding. For many, this is a time of crisis - making our way through this eclipse season carries the hallmark of the true phoenix as the transformational potential now is HUGE.

The window of the eclipse energies carries us forward, and brings among other things deep spiritual or soul support for re-connection and going within. Additionally, within this window we find the transits of 12th January heralding an even more powerful threshold and turning point.

This is one of the reasons we are holding our community gathering on the 12th as opposed to the eclipse itself.

The number that defines the energy of 12 January is without doubt, the master number 22. As the number of the master builder we find it encoded into this day in a multitude of ways :
Date : 1/12/2020 (11:222)
Planetary transits : Saturn, Sun, Ceres and Pluto all at 22 degrees of Capricorn, at exactly 2:22:22 ET!

(As synchronicity would have it, the start time of our gathering on 12/1 is at 2.00 pm ET, which is also slightly later than our usual start time due to travel schedules. . In addition to this, it also happens to be a GAP Day. Pretty well divinely guided I would say!!!)

There are many implications and layers to the energies of 1/12 not least of which is a huge completion, karmic issues being finalised, 'figuring things out', a breaking of the seed shell to realise new growth, maturity. self-parenting and stepping forward with a new level of mastery to become the builders of the new reality. With a theme of bringing structure to the chaos, this is calling us to draw on all of our inner resources (and our inner warrior) to stabilise the new matrix through the unravelling taking place.

This teleclass will explore these themes alongside recent world events and symbolic connections, as well the Mayan Tzolkin links.
Our energy process will align us with these deeper impulses as we ready ourselves for forward movement with the potent energies for re-growth.

This is going to be a year where many people will be needing support, where real, connected community becomes even more important & where the groundwork for a new humanity begins to take form in the physical.

Expect the unexpected, as it is likely that where you are at (internally and externally) as this year starts, is not where you will be when it finishes!

Welcome to 2020. Welcome to a life-changing decade!

(Scroll down for some information about promotions, workshops and the heart-expanding tour to South Africa in October!)

With love

In Lak'ech Ala K'in   (I am another you)

Julie x


Various Shungite and orgonite tools for EMF protection, energy balancing and maintaining a coherent energy field.

Discounts of 40-50 % - Once they're gone, they're gone!


I have 2 workshops running in Palm Harbor Florida during Jan - Feb :

1. The Many Facets of Colour : 25 January

A one day experiential workshop giving you insights and tools to manage your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Fun and interactive!

2. The Antaneea Technique : 21-24 February

A full 4-day training to both experience the profound capability of this process to release trauma from the body as well as to move forward as a practitioner and provide support for others. A gentle, massage-based bodywork technique that incorporates colour, sound, geometry and essential oils in a vibrational process that 'releases the issues from the tissues' to facilitate liberation of the True Self.

Contact me, for details!

Each journey to South Africa unlocks the doorways to deeper levels of heart and reconnects us to our soul in unexpected ways!  We certainly had some magic at play on this most recent trip.

For those of you who have been asking, the 2020 tour dates are now set and booking is open!  This next sacred journey will include not only the Sacred White Lions, it will also take us to the sacred sites and sights of Cape Town, along with a sacred ceremony with the ancient Khoisan bushmen (the original 'placeholders' and guardians of diamond consciousness).
Claim your space now as the groups are small, personalised and numbers will remain limited.

Golden Diamonds Membership

For less than the cost of a single webcast, the Golden Diamonds membership provides you with a monthly community webcast, a live video Q & A, as well as support and additional discounts for members.

It just makes sense really!

Come and join our dedicated, supportive, conscious community :)

Diamond Love and Support

Thank you to the many who have provided support for Diamond Light World through your kind donations. All offerings are most appreciated!

Please use the button below to donate, or if you prefer to support in other ways, you can help by making a purchase of one of the many supportive products or programs from the store HERE

With love and infinite gratitude!

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