Coming out of the Shadows
Dear Friend
So how is your February stacking up so far? With the ongoing internet/communication disruptions and stop-start energy, we could be forgiven for thinking that Mercury had somehow forgotten it's natural cycles and chosen to stay in retrograde for a couple more weeks! Rest assured, the energy shift of this upcoming full moon (22nd Feb) has been heralded by electrifying energy gifted from the sun, and witnessed via some amazing auraural displays (http://www.spaceweather.com/)
As is often expected during disruptions to earth's electromagnetic field, one sees those unable to anchor or work with the heightened energy, giving vent in sociably undesirable ways. We have seen some of this in South Africa with students at Cape Town University acting like total hooligans and completely destroying precious, historical works of art in order to 'get their point across'. Truly sad to see such wanton disregard for essentially private property as a means of protest. Stay centred and allow the incoming energies to infuse your cellular structures with light and become the observer of whatever is being untethered within you.
More than ever we need the true power of the feminine to make its presence felt and known. The clarion call is sounding from many different directions as strong women are stepping forward, establishing women's circles, communities for growth, harnessing and unleashing the Great wisdom of the feminine soul. These courageous beings are the holders of the Diamond White Flame, the anchors of the diamond grids and teachers of true power. Everywhere I turn at the moment I am seeing people working with, espousing and calling for a deeper anchor for the Sacred Feminine.
For a number of years now I have been drawn to exploring and working with the Goddess energy, the powerful Sacred Feminine - not in a 'fluffy' way, for the true Divine Feminine is anything but - but in a real and deeply transformational way that assists us in moving into our rightful roles and positions in the embodiment of true power. The time to bring that forward is now, as we transition the rocky terrain of this year of completion, the divine femiine is the force and the light that welcomes us home. The sisterhood is gathering in strength and the forward momentum picks up pace as we move through this February full moon and into March.
In keeping with this theme, I recently found the following wonderful post written by Judith Kasel to be very inspiring and it really touches the heart of where we are at. Entitled 'She has returned', it is dedicated to the heart of the Sacred Feminine within us all. https://judithkusel.wordpress.com/
Our special Diamond Community events facilitating expansion of the Sacred Feminine soul are given below for you to mark in your diary!!
22 Feb : The White Fire of the Feminine Soul Full Moon community gathering - see below 1 March : Reclaiming the Goddess (Our long awaited Diamond Goddess Program) - see below 3 April : New webinar series with Mariela Maya on the wisdom and consciousness of the Tzolkien! 19 May : Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos (book this date!)
Btw, I am trialling this new newsletter format & would love to know what you think. It feels more mobile friendly, so hopefully that is also how it comes across! (If you unsubscribed from the Consant Contact List and have still received this, please simply use this unsubscribe facility and accept my apologies. There was a period of cross over between the two systems and transfer of the lists)
Aaand - you just have to have a listen to the amazing sound healing resonance of my beautiful diamond singing bowl. There is a sound byte on the web page linked below....Enjoy! "It lifted my head space within seconds" Lilian
In celebration of your light
Julie x
222 Full Moon Diamond Gathering
Must Have Diamond Sound Healing mp3's!
This is my beautiful Diamond Singing Bowl and I have now obtained some high quality recordings of it - the resonance is amazing! Perfect for any meditation practice, healing journeys, mental clarity and centering.
Listen to the sample recordings and take advantage of the promo here : http://www.diamondlightworld.net/store/c11/Promotions.html