Subject: Friend : Reminder! 8-8-8 Lions Gate : The Pathfinders


8-8-8 Lions Gate
The Pathfinders
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ~Harriet Tubman

Hi Friend

I at least have a bit of extra time this month to send out reminders for our 888 Lions Gate event! So, here's your first one (I've left the recent newsletter intact below:))
Our world needs The Pathfinders more than ever - hope you will join us!
Love always, Julie

The idea of a pathfinder is ancient and refers to one who 'searches out the best way to go'. The Pathfinders are the dreamers, visionaries and you, who were designed to be out of the box, to bring about change. 
This very concept is commensurate with the frequencies and energy of the Diamond Light - as the inverse of the cube (box), the sacred Octahedron signifies expansion,  breaking out of the box, becoming an explorer, a pathfinder.

As we observe a rise in mythologies emerging around the Lions Gate, we can see that a great deal of the essence has become 'flavoured' with a multitude of new age philosophies and echo chambers within the same 'box'. The energy of the Lions Gate is ancient, infused with a celebration of life as well as creativity, providing access to deeply resonant desires and opportunities to generate something new and vibrant. This energy calls out to The Pathfinders.

In ancient Egyptian cosmology, the Lion’s Gate signified the dawn of a new year and a period where they set new resolutions for the future, and a new agricultural as well as personal cycle. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius (brightest star) and all of their ceremonies and lifestyle revolved around Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and wisdom. Hence they started exploiting the Lion’s Gate opening as in those times Sirius was strong and brightest in the sky. They believed this portal occurs when Sun in Leo, earth and Sirius move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza (Egypt). It is also associated with the rising of the Nile which provides the nurturing water for crops.
Continue reading here : 8-8-8 Lions Gate

There is much more to explore on this expanded theme in this special event with down to earth insights and aligned diamond energy process, so do join us - even if you can't attend Live, the stimulating class will be yours to download for a donation.

As we traverse the fiery realm of Leo, be present to the full nature of YOU and observe what emerges - and no matter what, be the full strength of your diamond anchored deeply into the natural, unadulterated world. That is where life itself unfolds and awaits YOU.

With much love
Julie x

One Week Left!
There are just 6 days left  to take advantage of this specia offer which will close on 7 August!
These special remote sessions provide such amazing insight along with energetic clearing and alignment, that they are both invaluable and supportive through this time. Having a strong and stable energy field that is well anchored is a must through these turbulent times.

"What you actually deliver goes above and beyond what you charge for your services. I will be booking more with you" - Sheren, USA, Nov. 23

Purchase now and take up your sessions at any time over the next 6 months. Click HERE for more info.

In love always
"As you start to walk on the way, the way appears"
Limited Gold Plated Energy Grids back in Stock!

The popular and beautiful gold plated Sacred Geometry energy grids are back in stock. However, please note that while there are a few additional designs, the numbers of each are limited and they are selling out quickly, so don't miss out on this special opportunity. These stunning energy tools are precision laser cut and not easy to come by.
Where available, two sizes are offered - 3" and 4" diameter.
Take a look at the various ones in stock below - let me know which are your favourites!

Click HERE for more information and to purchase.

Diamond Light Energy Sprays 
Further Insight into the Rebirth Spray

The Diamond Light energy sprays are designed and formulated to work with your subtle energy bodies to provide an instant frequency shift, an energetic uplift and to support the maintenance of your Diamond Light Grid. It is a convenient and simply way to reconnect with your authentic Self as you spray these externally into your personal energy field and into your environment. They are also wonderful for dialling up frequency of any therapeutic/client interventions.

"Soothes the heart and instils confidence that all is happening as it needs to"

The "energetic midwife"! Enfolds you within a cocoon of 'safety' to assist in the rebirthing of your expanded self. A great spray to use if you (or others) are experiencing breakdown of outdated beliefs & ideas or opening to expanded perspectives . We often rebirth aspects of ourselves as we release old identities & this spray also helps to deal with the grief of perceived 'loss' for what is being left behind.

Rebirth also resonates with frequency of Violet, which many will recognise as a colour linked with transformation. As such all the aspects of grief and loss mentioned above come in to play. Violet is a combination of Blue + Red  identified by the elements of Water + is therefore the perfect accompaniment for the theme of volcanos and diamonds! It helps to facilitate the emergence of the new through the chaos and destruction of fire, while anchoring us deeply within the physical body.

Rebirth assists us in staying present with what IS, calms fear and helps us to realise that sometimes letting go of control is the best way of coming back into control - an oxymoron and paradox, but such is the nature and strength of surrender. The rebirth spray therefore brings with it a gentle strength that supports us enduring the pain of transition, allowing the process to proceed with greater ease.

All in all, a beautiful energetic support and partner.

Works well in partnership with Rose Gold.

Vibrational Essence bundles!

I have 2 new Diamond vibrational essence bundles for you that represent savings of 30% on each.
Each bundle comprises 4 x 30 ml essences created with precious gems and metals.

1. Bundle 1 :  Uplevelling your Frequency : HERE
2. Bundle 2 : Trauma and Emotional Healing : HERE

Personal Vibrational Remedy Blend

Get your own personal, vibrational remedy blend that is scanned and prepared just for you, with this unique offering.

We know that ALL of life is energy, frequency and vibration, so it is no surprise that vibrational remedies can often have a profound impact on our well-being. When these frequencies are properly focussed on an individual level (rather than a 'shotgun', or one size fits all approach!), even greater benefit can be achieved.

Golden Diamonds Membership

The Golden Diamonds membership provides you with a weekly community forum, enlightening discussions, a weekly 'Power-up' as well as support and additional discounts for members.

The weekly power ups are becoming more potent and 'timeline specific' as we build the diamond energy in the community too - definitely a precious gift that is shared by and with all. :)

Come and join our dedicated, supportive, conscious community :)

Diamond Love and Support

Thank you to the many who have provided support for Diamond Light World through your kind donations. All offerings are most appreciated!

Please use the button below to donate, or if you prefer to support in other ways, you can help by making a purchase of one of the many supportive products or programs from the store HERE

With love and infinite gratitude!

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