Subject: 8-8 Lions Gate : The magic of New Beginnings


(The Magic of New Beginnings)
Dear Friend

"And suddenly you know it is time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings"

Welcome to a most auspicious time in the annual sequence of eclipses and energetic 'windows'. From Aug 12th we have celestial support for forward movement (ready or not!), which is definitely a welcome open doorway.
Today is the 8-8 Lions Gate portal which is an opportunity to align with this renewal, rebirth and to help to stabilise what has been an inner turmoil for many.
We have a diamond community gathering today to support us with a collective re-awakening into the vibrant energy beyond

Hope to see you there & I have left the rest of the August newsletter intact for you (below).

With love and blessings through this auspicious period!
Julie x

This is probably one of the most intense Lion's Gate portals we have yet experienced. We are learning to master the ability to create a new paradigm in the midst of insanity and madness as our world continues to break down around us. There is a powerful tone of integration, renewal, courage and empowerment through this portal that is assisting us to unfold more of our True Self from within.

The theme of death-rebirth is still prevalent as we allow the die- off of those parts of ourselves we have been holding on to, yet which no longer serve.Since the July eclipse just a few short weeks ago, I have been faced with the sudden passing of a dear friend, another friend in palliative care who is about to transition, a friend's father who passed away a few days ago and yet other friends who announced a sudden (and surprising) divorce. There have been a number of other manifestations of the same theme....but you get the picture!

This is a time of soul/True Self/ Essence embodiment, of refining our plans, adjusting and preparing to share in a different way. In order for us to deepen this embodiment, we are surrendering, letting go and healing through multiple timelines so we bring more of our energy into the Now- in other words, dying to more of ourselves in order to rebirth the uniqueness of our personal gift to the world.

This has been brought into stark focus since the recent eclipse, and for clues on your own personal themes and what is requiring 'rebirth', take a look back at what was happening in your life in 2001, 2008, 2011 and again this year (offered by Teresa Pozarycki;  When I took a look at those specific years, I was astounded as the theme came up into stark focus. As an exercise, write down all that comes into your awareness through those years and let it be your guide into what aspects of Self are seeking greater 'presence' in your life. Then use this insight and whatever tools you have in your toolbox (or your favourite bodywork / energy processes) to help align you.

Self care is an inherent aspect of this death-rebirth cycle, so be sure to be kind to yourself through this month. It is immensely rewarding when we can achieve a loftier perspective of our life and events and see the perfection in all.

To assist you with some energetic tools, I have a birthday gift to share with you (it's my birthday week!), as well as an invitation to the 8-8 Lions Gate community process - which is always more intense when the power of the group is engaged!

It's my birthday week and I am in gratitude the fact that I am still standing after 20 years of 'lion-hearted' courage through multiple and multidimensional journeys with the Diamond Light. These digital programs are a celebration of the wisdom gleaned through the special gift to you through this momentous Lion's Gate!!

See you on the other side of the Lion's Gate window!!

With deepest love, gratitude and blessings

Julie x

(For those of you who are new to the Diamond Light Community, you may wish to take a look at the Golden Diamonds membership - we have a loving, high vibe tribe of amazing old souls, great wisdom, collaboration and honouring!)

On the day of August 8th, the Orion’s Belt is in direct alignment with the Pyramids of Giza.  This opens a magnificent energetic portal between the two sides of the Lion’s Gate. 
This activation of the Lions’ Gate Portal on 8.8 is especially potent this year as it marks the beginning of the end of the spiritual transformation process that many of us are experiencing that began in 1999 and will finally complete in 2021.  As we collectively and personally focus on dissolving the mind and ego-based realities we are able to co-create a new reality for ourselves based on living as embodiments of Truth, as the spiritual masters that we each are and will become more fully.  Our soul and body will be acting in unison and we will each live on Planet Earth as the expression of the Divine hologram that we each are (ref



Our initial week yielded many 'aha's', personal insights, life reviews, and "I'm loving this" moments from participants - many of whom have been through many of the diamond light world courses and workshops.

If you missed the start of this new program/workshop and would still like to join us, the first 2 sessions are available for instant access, and we have a 2 week gap until the next session as we are recognising that the depth of the material is requiring a greater period for integration.

This series challenges many currently held paradigms and takes us to a new levell of understanding our place and purpose in life's continuum.

Join us for this participative and fully recorded series.


We are launched! The first online Diamond Light Reiki workshop in June was a huge success, and we are currently spending time with the second group of beautiful souls!

The fascinating thing is the response from attendees who are finding amazing synchronicities from the point of their decision to join, as well as reports of inner expansiveness just from reading the (extensive) initial manual.

Rachel and I will set up a few more Facet 1 trainings if you have missed the first 2 and find that your heart is drawing you to find out more. This is a journey of Destiny....

"What I really enjoyed was the chance to be with such thoughtful and inspiring  people - There was a real sense of community and respect for each other, some laughs and a few tears along with a deep understanding of the importance of the work and the information that was presented.  It was not so much a sit and listen but a shared experience with many layers and depth.  Thank you to Julie and Rachel for creating the Diamond Light Reiki Training experience.  They each brought their special gifts and  a sense of wholeness and a deeper understanding of the history of Reiki, the Diamond Light science and higher awareness to the program. I felt a sense of being the wholeness and peace throughout as if I had come home. I am looking forward to participating in Facet 2!"

Register to stay in touch or to join us on this evolutionary journey.

Golden Diamonds Membership

For less than the cost of a single webcast, the Golden Diamonds membership provides you with a monthly community webcast, a live video Q & A, as well as support and additional discounts for members.

It just makes sense really!

Come and join our dedicated, supportive, conscious community :)

A Sacred African Encounter : 14-27 October 2019!

It's not too late to join our next Sacred Journey into the ancient heart of Africa.

Africa - and especially Southern Africa has a critical role to play in supporting the balance between planetary heart and mind. The aliveness and sheer emotional upwelling that many feel in connecting with this amazing land, is a manifestation of heart expansion and supports the embodiment of Diamond Light

"I have never felt so alive in my whole life as I did in South Africa and I will definitely return" Ali, 2018 from UK

We have 3 very special nights with the Sacred White Lions at Tsau during this adventure, which will be filled with once in a lifetime experiences. Experience your own Lion  heart up close and personal with these amazing beings as we initiate our journey together in their company.

Numbers for the tour are limited and I already have bookings for this special journey in October, so if you are ready for a life-changing adventure, then reserve your place now.

For full itinerary and details, please visit

Your life will truly never be the same..........

Diamond Love and Support

Thank you to the many who have provided support for Diamond Light World through your kind donations. All offerings are most appreciated!

Each donation gifted will receive 3 powerful and supportive meditation mp3's (Golden Moments, Crystal Rainbows and The Diamond Light Grid Calibration).

Please use the button below to donate, or if you prefer to support in other ways, you can help by making a purchase of one of the many supportive products or programs from the store HERE

With love and infinite gratitude!

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