Subject: What a difference 3 years can make!

Hi Friend,

I recently rewatched a couple of videos I filmed 3 years ago about setting goals for the New Year and it was amazing to see how far I'd come!

At that time, filming youtube videos was really nerve wracking for me.  I'm happy to report that it's so much easier now! (Plus, I got the goals that I spoke about in the video.)

Sometimes you don't realize just how far we've come, so it's good to take a look back & give yourself some credit.

2022 is almost here! It's that time of the year for prioritizing what you want and setting goals for the year ahead.  

You're more likely to follow-through if you're clear about what you want!

I invite you to take a look at the 2 goodies below and see if you feel drawn to one or both. They are both about setting yourself up to get what you really want this New Year! 

If you don't have time to look it over now, then give yourself the gift of saving this email and giving yourself a reminder to come back to it soon.

Here are 2 goodies to help you to make the most of 2022! 

1) Get what you want sooner, rather than later

These 3 short videos can really help with that! The first one is brand new & the other 2 are from three years ago (the ones I mentioned above).  

I recommend watching them in the following order.  
(Click on each title to watch.)

2)  Create More Meaning in Your New Year

I will be hosting a fun event inside the Joyful Self-Care Community Facebook group on January 3rd - 8th.  Each day is about taking a simple & easy step to make it easier to find true fulfillment in 2022.

There will be a prize drawing at the end for those who participate on the Monday - Friday posts.

If you're not a member yet, it's not too late to join.  You can click here to check the group out. (Be sure to take a moment to answer the membership questions & agree to the group rules.)

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

To New Beginnings in 2022,

This email newsletter is an informational resource and is not a substitute for working with a licensed healthcare professional. I cannot guarantee any particular results and my statements about the potential outcome are expressions of opinion only. I make no guarantees about the information and recommendations provided herein. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided in this program is at your own risk. I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. If you need advice for any kind of symptoms, please contact a licensed professional.

Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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