Subject: This can be tricky, but so worthwhile...

Happy 2022!!

Last week I sent you an email with a video about finding the deeper meaning in what you want this new year.

Here’s some more food for thought on that…

Find the journey’s end in every step.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Imagine that you are on top of a beautiful mountain, looking out at the spectacular view.  As you enjoy the breathtaking vista, you feel a gentle breeze and a joyful sense of wonder.

Now… here’s the tricky part….

Imagine feeling that amazing sense of joyful wonder as you climb up that mountain step by step to get to that awe inspiring view.  

Yes, there may be some effort on the way up — but there’s also plenty to enjoy and appreciate on the trail too.  The same can be true every day of your life.

Choosing to enjoy the journey gives deeper meaning to every moment!

In case you missed it…

Finding your deeper meaning for the new year was the focus of a special event I hosted last week in the Joyful Self-Care Facebook group — to bring more light, ease, & joy to 2022!

I know there were a few members of the group who were interested, but had other things going on last week.  If that’s you, you’ll find the links below to go through the process at your own pace.

Here’s what a couple of participants had to say…

This was really impactful!  It moved us high above the New Year’s goal setting and took us to who we want and need to be to have the outcomes we envision.”

“I love how simple you are making this.  It is not overwhelming.  One step at a time!”

However you go about it, filling your intentions for the new year with deeper meaning reminds you what is most important.

Wishing you an amazing 2022!!

To Your Meaningful New Year,

The links below will only work if you’re a member of the Facebook group.  If you’d like to join, you can click here, then:   click the Join tab, answer the membership questions, & agree to group rules.

Here are the links to each day of the Your Meaningful New Year event:

This email newsletter is an informational resource and is not a substitute for working with a licensed healthcare professional. I cannot guarantee any particular results and my statements about the potential outcome are expressions of opinion only. I make no guarantees about the information and recommendations provided herein. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided is at your own risk. I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. If you need advice for any kind of symptoms, please contact a licensed professional.
Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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