Subject:Ā The biggest block to šŸ˜‚ more, + early bird!

Hi Friend,

Over the last few weeks Iā€™ve been sending you messages to encourage you to laugh more.  Iā€™ve talked about what it can do for you and shared powerful stories of transformation.

Maybe youā€™ve been inspired and have found yourself chuckling more oftenā€¦

Or, maybe you know it sounds like a great idea, but you donā€™t quite know how to get the laughter flowing regularly.  In other words, you know you want to, butā€¦ (you can finish this sentence with whatever ā€œbutā€ is blocking your way.)

Donā€™t let the ā€œbut, but, butā€™sā€ get in your way!

Do any of these sound familiar?
  • I just forget that I want to.
  • I donā€™t have time.
  • I never seem to feel like doing it.
The biggest mistake I see people make is thinking that they have no influence over how often they laugh.  If you want to regularly experience more laughter, then you canā€™t leave it up to chance.  

The biggest block to laughter is not being proactive!

Iā€™ve created a fun course that I know will help you to create a life filled with laughs.  Iā€™ve taught various version of this program for over 20 years and Iā€™ve repeatedly seen the difference it can make.  Over the years Iā€™ve witnessed thousands of people light up with vibrant energy & joy!

The course is called Laugh More Every Day, and itā€™s designed to not only get you laughing ā€” but to keep that laughter flowing for the long run.  Iā€™ve turned my popular live laughter program into a go-at-your-own-pace video series that you can return to over and over again, whenever you need to give yourself a laughter boost!

As part of the Joyful BeingĀ® community, you get to save 50% on this course by purchasing during the early bird special.

Iā€™m only offering this half price early bird rate for a couple of days to you and to others on my email list and in my Facebook group.

The early bird ends at 6 pm eastern time on Tuesday, September 13th. 

Hereā€™s the link to check it out:   Laugh More Every Day!

Itā€™s got all my best laughter tricks & tips in it!  Plus, it guides you to create a personalized plan to proactively fill your life with laughter.

To your laughter filled life,

PS:  If youā€™ve taken my laughter program at some point over the years, here are 3 reasons to consider giving yourself a refresher.
1)  Thereā€™s plenty of new material ā€” most especially practical ideas for keeping the laughs going for the long run.
2)  Itā€™s super easy to find your favorite videos and rewatch them at your leisure to enjoy a laughter boost.  (If you took the class on Zoom last year, the replay came in one long video that was hard to sift through.  This version is filled with short videos that make it easy to give yourself a quick pick me up!)
3)  It reignites your commitment to light up your life with laughter ā€” and to spread that gift of laughter to a world that desperately needs it!

Are you ready to Laugh More Every Day?

Joyful BeingĀ® Transformations, LLC

This email newsletter is an informational resource and is not a substitute for working with a licensed healthcare professional. I cannot guarantee any particular results and my statements about the potential outcome are expressions of opinion only. I make no guarantees about the information and recommendations provided herein. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided in this program is at your own risk. I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. If you need advice for any kind of symptoms, please contact a licensed professional.

Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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