Subject: It all began in a bookstore...

I felt drawn to a shelf full of guided meditation cassette tapes which promised stress relief and inner peace. I purchased a couple and listened to them over and over again, enjoying the feelings of deep calm.

I was hooked!

Over the years I explored many different types of meditation.  I discovered that meditating without the aid of someone else’s voice, brought me greater levels of conscious awareness — a self-awareness that’s been a key ingredient for living a happier life.

For many years I was an “on again, off again” meditator — which I knew was better than not meditating at all!  But, when I made the commitment to meditate everyday, I discovered that meditation is a doorway to my true authentic self, and to being more of myself in the world. On occasions when I miss a day, I don’t feel quite right. When I stay consistent, I am much calmer and much less reactive to external events.

I’d love to share the tricks I’ve learned other the years with you, so you can more easily experience the many gifts of meditation.

Meditation is not “one size fits all”. What makes one person feel blissful, can make someone else feel annoyed. That’s why this upcoming course is like a yummy meditation buffet! 

You get to experiment with some new ideas & techniques and see what works best for you.

Course registration closes soon, so if you’re interested you can find out more below. (It is online, of course!)

If you have any questions, simply hit Reply to this email.

Your Happy Meditator,

This 5-week journey gives you the freedom to truly LOVE meditating!

The “Blissful Meditation Made Easier” course gives you simple strategies for common meditation problems, such as…

Not being able to quiet your mind
Not being able to stick with it
Not being able to easily relax and go deep

If you’re new to meditation, this course can save you years of frustration.

If you’re an experienced meditator, you’ll enjoy discovering new ways to experience deep & yummy meditations regularly.

This course could be for you if…

You want to feel more calm and centered (no matter what’s going on in the world)
You want to be a more consistent meditator
You want to savor the gift of the present moment more
You want to feel more aligned with your true self
You’d like meditation to feel more blissful

If it sounds like this course might be just what you want, then read on for the logistical details…

This is a pilot program (and the world is in a financial crisis) — so I’m keeping the investment low — for a limited time it’s only $27.

To register, all you need to do is use the following Pay Pal link to purchase, and then keep your eye out for your Welcome email. (If you don’t receive the Welcome email within 24 hours after purchase, please contact me.)

Registration closes 10pm EDT on Friday, April 17th.

Here’s the purchase link:

More info…

The course will be live on Zoom for 5 consecutive Wednesdays, starting April 22nd at 6pm EDT.
The replay will be available the next day for those unable to attend the live class on Zoom.

Bonus:  There will also be a 21 day follow-up process — to fully integrate what you’ve learned and customize your meditation practice — so meditation becomes something you happily WANT to do regularly.

Know that when you say “Yes” to this course…

It's an act of self-love and self-worth — you deserve it!
You're giving yourself a gift that will serve you for the rest of your life.
Together as a class we will lift each other up with an energy of caring and self-love.

If you choose to say “Yes”, here’s the link to get started:

If you have any questions, simply hit Reply to this email. I’m happy to answer them.

Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.