Subject: Important info about your Joyful Being Downloads (+ Fun Update)

Hi Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your Joyful Being Experience stress relief tools.

As I’ve been working out the technical glitches on this new business adventure, I discovered some issues with downloading recordings and PDFs to mobile devices — most especially to iPhones and iPads.

If that’s you, then please read through information at the bottom of this email. (You’ll also find the complete updated Tech Issues info on my FAQ page here:  Https://

Here are the links to your downloads again, in case you need them:

10 Minute Beach Vacation mp3

Secrets of Transformation on a budget PDF

(To have continued future access to these give-aways, you need to make sure that they are downloaded to your computer or device. If you’re clicking on the link to play them, that will only work a certain number of times. See below for more info.)

Fun Update:

I was just quoted in an online article about books every teenager should read before they turn 20. My book recommendation is currently listed as book #10 in the article. If you have a moment to visit the following link, please click on the up arrow underneath my name. (It looks like this ^). Getting lots of clicks could move my recommendation up to a higher spot on the list.  Also, if you like the article, please post it on Facebook and/or Twitter. There are some great book ideas in it!

Thanks so much!

Here’s the updated tech info about downloading to Mobile devices:

Mobile Devices: Some mobile devices (notably Apple products) prevent the downloading of media files to the device for security reasons. If you have access to a computer, it is better to download the file to the computer and then use iTunes (or whatever media application you use) to sync with your mobile device.

If syncing with a computer is not an option for you, try the following choices:

Android phone: Google “How to download audio files from a website to android phone” — or, substitute the brand & model of your phone for the word “android” in your search. If you don’t find the information you need, you could look into a cloud based storage service or a third party App (see the Apple options below).

iPhones & iPads: Storing an audio download (without syncing with your computer) currently takes some workarounds. Here are two options:
1). Download files to a cloud service for storage, such as iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, or other cloud options. You can search for “how to” information on YouTube or the search engine of your choice.
2). Download a third party App. There are several apps on the market, including iSaveIt and Documents5. While we have no direct experience with these types of Apps, we offer this information in case you wish to investigate further.
FYI: Whether you use a Cloud service or App, you would access the file through that program and not iTunes. (Moving the file into iTunes requires downloading to a computer and syncing your device with it.)

Downloading PDFs to Mobile Devices: For Android, google “Downloading PDF to Android”. For iPhones & iPads, use the share function (the square with an arrow) to access “save to iBooks”.

Finding Tech Savvy Assistance: If the information above doesn’t help (or feels way too techno for your brain), we recommend seeking the help of a tech savvy person. If you don’t know someone with those skills, see if your brand of computer or device has a customer help phone number or LiveChat option. If you have a Best Buy store near you, you could make a GeekSquad appointment there. If you have an apple device, you could make a Genius Bar or Studio Hours appointment at your local store.

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Your Resource for Shedding Stress and Cultivating Joy

This email series is an informational resource for those interested in stress reduction. It is not a substitute for working with a licensed healthcare professional. I cannot guarantee any particular results and my statements about the potential outcome are expressions of opinion only. I make no guarantees about the information and recommendations provided herein. Therefore, following any information or recommendations provided in this email series is at your own risk. I also do not assume any responsibility for third party resources, including but not limited to websites, podcasts, books, videos, etc. I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. If you need advice for any kind of symptoms, please contact a licensed professional.
Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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