Subject: From loathing to excitement... in 3 (sort of) easy steps

I have always loathed and resisted the lure of Facebook. I didn’t want anything to do with it, for a number of reasons. (I won’t vent all of that in this email!)

I begrudgingly joined a few years back in order to have access to a particular group. However, I was hardly ever on it and I purposely never responded to friend requests. (My apologies to anyone reading this who sent me one.)

I knew eventually I’d need to get a Business Facebook Page, I just didn’t think that “eventually” would get here so soon. The more I researched online marketing, the more that word Facebook kept popping up.

I needed a major attitude adjustment, and I needed it fast! Here are the steps I took to give myself one…

Step one: I educated myself
Facebook for Dummies was helpful — not exactly a pleasure read, but helpful. Knowledge about what the system can and cannot do led me to the next step…

Step two: I asked myself, “How can I make this work for me?”
While I’m still exploring the answers to that question, I’m seeing ways to honor my needs. For example, I can choose to check it once a day, rather than have notifications sent to my phone 24/7. I can also choose to interact on my Business Page without having to maintain an active personal page. And, I can look for ways to make it fun…

Step three: I created a vision of what I want
I love sharing information, inspiration and fun tidbits with people. “Gee, I wonder where I could do that?” When I think about creating posts that are uplifting, educational and lighthearted — then I get excited!!

If you’re on Facebook and you’d like to receive these fun tidbits, you can Like my new Business Page to receive them:

Food for thought:
Is there something you dislike that you know you have to deal with?
What steps could you take to shift your perspective?
How might you turn a “don’t want” into a “want”?

Wishing you a beautiful day,

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Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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