Subject: 2 goodies to lift you up...

Hi Friend,

With so much negativity in the world these days, it's so important to  nourish your mind with positive and uplifting content — to counteract the everyday negativity exposures that can drain your energy and joy.

I’m happy to share the following 2 goodies with you to nourish your mind and soul…

Goody #1:  Finding Joy During Difficult Times

If the state of the world, or the stress in your life, makes it challenging to feel joy sometimes — then definitely watch this recent interview I did.  

It was a fantastic conversation and I sprinkled lots of helpful tips throughout.  The interviewer was kind enough to send me a copy of the video, so I could share it with you on my YouTube channel.

You can watch by clicking here. There's a short introduction by me, then the interview starts.

I encourage you to watch it all the way through, because some of the best tips are towards the end!

Goody #2:  Healing Event Replay

If you missed the Global Gathering event I appeared in last week, the replay is available for a limited time.  (Link below)

I joined 5 other amazing spiritual healers and musicians for an online spiritual event in which healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.

(If you’re one of the folks who found me through this event, welcome!)

I really enjoyed all the speakers and the positive energy of the group.  I offered a guided meditation to open up to more joy (about 31 minutes into the recording).  Be sure to watch to end for the wonderful music and dancing!

You can click here to watch the replay.  It will be available to watch until the end of this weekend.  You can also scroll down to learn more about the speakers.

If you love it and want to attend more of the monthly Global Gatherings (there’s no charge), here’s the link to sign up for future ones…

It’s a different line up of guest speakers each month, all focused on sharing light, love, & healing.  They’ve asked me if I want to come back sometime in the New Year to speak again, and I look forward to it!

An important thing to keep in mind…

If you want to watch these videos, but don’t have time right now — then I highly recommend scheduling a time to watch soon.  Otherwise you’ll forget, and these links will get lost in your inbox.  If you make an appointment with yourself, you’ll get to soak all the positivity at a time when you can relax and enjoy.

Joyful Wishes,

PS: Thank you to all of you who are now following me on my new Instagram and Twitter accounts.  I hope you’re enjoying my posts!

Joyful Being Transformations, LLC, 414 NW Knights Ave, #458, 32055, Lake City, United States
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