Subject: Fixed on the Finish Line - The Journey of an Ultra Marathon Runner

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Dear Friends,
Not only is the Christian life a journey, according to Hebrews 12:1 it is also likened to a race! God calls us to have the mindset of an athlete as we live out our Christianity. Keeping our eyes on the finish line is key to enduring hardships and difficulties that come.

The Commands of Christ podcast recently released an episode with special guest and Journey to the Heart alumnus Arlen Glick. Arlen came to Big Sandy this summer to help lead a Young Men's Journey to the Heart and prior to the start of the Journey he recorded this interview. Arlen Glick is a professional ultra marathon runner who has won multiple 100-mile foot races. 
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
 Hebrews 12:1
We invite you to listen to this powerful testimony and as Arlen draws correlations between distance running and living the Christian life be encouraged in running the race set before you looking to Jesus! Be sure to watch to the end of the episode to hear Arlen share about a race he ran this year that far exceeded 100 miles in distance, had intense elevation gain and was a very challenging course. 
Need to get away from the busy things of life to refocus on your walk with Christ? We would love to have you join us on an upcoming Journey to the Heart. Here are our 2025 dates:
2025 Journey to the Heart Event Dates:
Young Mens Journey: May 17–24, Big Sandy, TX
• Young Ladies Journey: June 21–28, Big Sandy, TX
• Young Men's Journey: July 7–14, Big Sandy, TX
Young Ladies Journey: August 23–30, Big Sandy, TX
The Christian life is not a sprint, rather it is a distance run. As you rely totally on Christ, may He abundantly bless you with the endurance and patience to run the race of life set before you in such a way that would bring Him glory! 

Blessings in Christ, 

The Journey to the Heart Staff 
Journey to the Heart, 1 Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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