Subject: Today's Blog Post (inc x3 fancies)

Hello Friend

I've been peppering your inbox enough this week so you'll be pleased to read this will be my final email out for a few days. As always you can find the daily posts on the blog, including...

I've x3 pokes today at 14s, 5s and 12s, hoping they run better than Euro Implosion - who turned out to be aptly named! Taking 6s is about 11/4 shots is the way to do it long term but it's not much comfort when they fall out the back of the TV. 

So, there's those fancies, my write ups, the usual stats qualifiers, Epsom pointers , and readers comments galore. Plenty there to hopefully help you have an enjoyable day and help you pick out a few winners.  

There's also news on how well the stats performed in June, including the simple approach that is now... 51 bets / 15 wins / 30 w|p / +42 points (8am odds/not bog). 

Fingers crossed that keeps ticking over. 

You can find today's post HERE>>>

Have a great weekend,


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