Subject: Saturday Big Race Trends + Free All-Weather Stats Pack

Hello Friend

In what I hope will become the 'Wednesday Trends Post' I have had a look ahead to Saturday's racing and pulled together some trends and stats, for those of you who enjoy that approach and want to get started early. 

I have had a look at the Becher Chase and I could do with repeating last season's 33/1 winner which I tipped on the blog, albeit not many were reading it back then. I have also looked at the London National from Sandown.. 

You can find the trends and stats pointers for those races HERE>>>

Free Report...

Following the success of my Trainer Track Profiles guide for the jumps where nearly 200 of you picked up a copy,(you can still grab one HERE if you wish) I have had a look at the winter All-Weather season and have tried to produce something similar, for those of you who like betting on the 'sand'. 

To highlight some of stats that will be in the final report, and the approach, I have pulled together another free report for you. There are stats from all of the UK AW tracks as well as a micro-system. 

You can get your free copy HERE>>>

In the next couple of days I'll let you know how you can get a copy of the main version. I have decided to charge £14 (total) for this stats pack and hopefully the freebie above will help you decide if it's something you may be interested in. 

And, if not, this free guide should help you find a few winners, even if you just follow the bonus micro-system at the end which is straight forward enough. 


All the best, 

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