Subject: Members Only: Important Please Read

Hello Friend

Winter Season Ticket Expiry - What Next... 2 Months Free...

With any luck, if i've emailed the right members -  you should be receiving this email as a subscriber to Racing To Profit, and my Winter Season Ticket 2018/19

Your subscription will be expiring at some point this month. 

Given this jumps season has been a bit lacklustre you can all have free access for the next two months, from the end of your subscription period. 

You'll know your subscription period is up when you can no longer read the members' posts but you can find the date of expiry when logged in.  


  • In order to avail yourself of the 2 months free access, you need to use the 'renew subscription' link in the My Account box in the top right when you're logged in. 
  • You then need to sign up to the option presented, which is 2 months free and then an annual, recurring fee. 
  • For admin reasons this is the easiest way to do it, but as always if you're charged and meant to cancel, or simply forgot, at the end of the 2 month free period, just email me and i'll refund it. 
  • This option is only available via Paypal, but if you can't use Paypal, but wish to use the two months free access, get in touch. 
With any luck 2019 , over the course of the year, will be a profitable one again, and there are signs of life, albeit it's taken some time.  

The 'advised' portfolio pf options, and something I could have been clearer on at times this jumps season, is as follows. 

Section 1 Systems/Strategies

The core systematic portfolio, one that I expect to bring in at least +100 points a year, to 1 point win, is...
  • Jumps S1 (+76.77 BFSP in 2018, +1.22 BFSP 2019 end April) 
  • Jumps S3A# (+75.94 in 2018,  morning odds/BOG. +7.8 in 2019 end April)
  • Flat S6 (2018 +72 BFSP, 2019 +12 BFSP as of end April) 
It's been slow going in 2019 but given the nature of those strategies, that's how it goes. They are still on +21 points as of end of April (S1/S6 to BFSP, as advised) and there is something to build on. 

They pulled in +225 points in 2018 (50% ROI) , and while it would be welcome if they did the same this year, a minimum +100 points across this portfolio is the minimum aim. 

My Tips

I've had a bit of a naff year in truth, and in reality my tipping has been rubbish for some time. With the 'big race' jumps tips that's part of the territory, albeit it's been poor enough so far and nowhere near the highs of last year. Longer term I have no concerns on that front but a -40 point year as I type never gets anyone's juices pumping! 

The Daily Tips... well i've played around with those for too long and tried to turn myself into something i'm not, but, along with the Free Tips (the G3 marathon chases mainly/nationals etc), i'm back to focusing on long distance handicap chases, 3m+ . They've been doing well since I refocused, and with any luck come the end of 2019 the 'daily tips' pile in section 2, as well as the free tips pile, will look decent enough. It won't be for the want of trying. 

Nick's Tips

You may have noticed the new addition to the core content, and quite deliberately so. I needed to offer a better daily tipping element, and Nick's just the man for that job. 

In 2018 his tips in the comments pulled in +532 points to advised prices, at a 40% ROI. 

While 2019 hasn't been great, his 'jumps season' (Oct 2018 - April 2019) has still been solid... +127.55 points, inc +36 points in December, and +11 for 2019 to date, as of the end of April. 

I'd be surprised if he reached the heights of last year again in 2019, but from May onwards is when he really got going last year, so we shall see! Still, even if he was a solid +150 points a year tipster, that wouldn't be too bad! :) 


So, those are the three elements which I will be judging my efforts/content on for 2019 and the foreseeable. Of course there is the rest of the content / stats / comments for you to use/ignore as you see fit. But that's 'the core'. 

In any case, if you have no intention of taking up the two months free offer, may I take this opportunity to thank you for giving my members' club a try, and i wish you all the best with your future punting. 

If you do wish to stay, just follow the instructions when logged in, and the 'renew subscription' link. But , you won't need to do that until your subs expire. 

If you have any questions, you know where to find me, 

All the best

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