Subject: Free Stats For Kempton's All-Weather Track Inside

Good Afternoon Friend

I have been promising to pull together a 'Trainer Track Profile' Stats guide for the 'summer all-weather' tracks for sometime but for one reason or another it has always been at the bottom of my to-do list. (in part probably because I struggle like hell when betting on the AW tracks and it doesn't excite me too much) 

However, I know many of you may be 'fans of the sand' and given Kempton have a meeting this evening I have spent some of this morning pulling together the stats for that track. There are quite a few tasty pointers in there that should help you find a few winners. 

If you have any questions either email me or post them up on the blog, 

All the best, 

p.s the guys at freefootytips have just released their free 32 page guide to the Euros and it makes for an interesting read. If you missed my email a few days ago you can still grab your copy HERE>>> (previews/tips etc - worth a read)

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