Subject: Free Report (of my own) + A Final Reminder (open now)

Hello Friend

I have a free report for you in a moment but first a quick reminder about a service I told you about a few days ago now...

Your Last Chance To Check Out The Racing Code

You may have seen my previous email about this interesting and potentially very profitable service. 

Well, there are just over 11 hours to go before Miles Tredwell’s Racing Code shuts its doors.

Miles will NOT be taking on new members for a long while after this. So if you want in, you need to act before midnight tonight.

You can find out more HERE>>

Quite a few of you have given this a go and I can see why - they have an interesting model for sign ups...

You basically sign up for a delayed direct debit meaning that you get to try this for 30 days, for free - if you cancel during that time no money leaves you account. Sounds fair to me. 

Now, you have to know who to trust in this game. 

The chaps behind this promo, and who help facilitate it, are Agora Lifestyles - a well known and reputable company. And, I have shared a pint with a couple of the guys who work for them and trust them. 

So, as far as I am concerned you can trust them- which cannot be said about most in this business. Your money won't suddenly vanish! 

Now, I don't know if the service will live up to its bold claims ('you could make £6480 to £10 stakes this flat season')...

BUT you have 30 days to try it out and see what it is all about. You will have a firm idea come the end of that trial if it is something you wish to pursue. 

So, on my reckoning you have 11 hours to sign up. I believe those that signed up from my first email are already in profit....

Free Report...

I don't like emailing you good folk with 'sales' stuff too often and I have done it a couple of times in recent weeks, in among all the good free stuff I try and send you...

So, below you can find a link to some old articles of mine that I have written for Betting Insiders Club Members over recent months. 

There is an intro which explains more but there are 6 articles that I know some of you will relish reading - all, as ever, with the aim of making your betting more enjoyable and with any luck more profitable....

Enjoy the rest of your day, 

p.s The Euros appear to be approaching. In the next few days, maybe Sunday, I will send you a link to a brilliant guide for the Tournament. It if from the same guys who pulled together the Cheltenham one I sent you. There are no catches, it is just a fun magazine full of interesting stuff. So, look out for that.  

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