Subject: Flat Profiles Subscribers: Free Gift Worth £14 [Inside]

Hello Friend

I am emailing you as a former subscriber to my Flat Profiles Service. 

Firstly, I owe you a final set of updated results and some reflections on performance and my approach next year. The time is just disappearing at the moment but I promise to get this to you by the end of next week, for those interested. Apologies for the delay. 

In short I think I will certainly focus my energy on following 'class droppers' and 'ratings droppers' - they appear the most solid, as well as some who have clear ground preferences for the extremes. It is also likely that I will include any approach next season into my daily blog posts, rather than a stand alone service. 

Now, to the main reason I am emailing. I have pulled together a new stats guide for this winter All-Weather season. I am not sure how many of you are stats fanatics but as promised, you can have this for free, by clicking the link below. 

I am selling this for £14 to the rest of my email list so that is a saving at least, albeit it is more a gesture in recognition of the mediocre performance in general of Flat Profiles last season. (esp 'My Verdict') I and the service underperformed against my expectations. 

Hopefully you find this useful. The link is below...

I will be in touch for one final time as a former Flat Profiles Subscriber next week. In the meantime enjoy this report and I hope many of you have been following some/all of the micro systems on my blog. They are now +85 points up since the start of August (+45 last month,mainly thanks to Venetia Williams) and appear to be doing ok so far. 

All the best 

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