Subject: Another 2-Year-Old Update [Blog Post] + Your Last Chance To Act

Hello Friend

When emailing you all I try my best not to send you a load of losers but Saturday was inevitable I suppose. A few of them ran well enough but in reality most days are like that. Thankfully the good days tend to be very good and more than make up for the blanks. I probably used up all my luck in the previous week. Anyway, that's racing. You'll have stopped reading my stuff a long time ago if you're after a quick fix. This game isn't easy sadly. But, that's part of it's allure. 

Moving on and today I have a packed post from our resident 2-Year-Old expert and enthusiast, Hugh Fowler. 

This post includes reviews, horses to follow and plenty of paddock side photos.

As always there is plenty to get stuck into and take away. 


Your Last Chance...

Matt's 21 Day Free Trial Offer for Geegeez Gold closes today. 

If you missed my last email on this you can read it HERE>>>

I won't bang on about it. The point of this free trial is for you to see if these superb tools are for you, or not. Whether this package is something that may help your punting, or not. Only you can decide, which is why these trials are great. No risk.

Nothing to lose and potentially an awful lot to gain. At least take a look below.. 

(and don't forget you can also register for free...and get free access to various Gold tools each day. That's a no brainer) 


That's the lot for today. I'm off on my annual pilgrimage to Pontefract races on Tuesday. If you're there and see me, do say hello. 

All the best 

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