Subject: 30 Days Free Access : Don't Miss Adam's Next Winner

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Your 30 Day Free Trial Awaits - A winning start from Adam Norman...

My new 'signing' at RTP, pro punter and jumps expert Adam Norman, had the perfect start to his daily tipping role yesterday, Wye Aye bringing in +7 points.        Or +£70 to £10 bets. Something to build on and a sign of things to come. 

You've got a free 30 days to see if my Members' Club can add to your racing experience, and a 30 day refund period post payment - so, a risk free 60 days. 

Includes a 'season ticket' and  'monthly subscription' option...

I probably made an error when launching yesterday, with a just a winter 'season ticket' offer, and no monthly option. These are strange, uncertain times, especially economically, and I fully understand some not wanting to commit for a full season. As such there's now a monthly subscription option which you can cancel anytime. 

I suppose launching a day after a new lockdown was announced was going to be tough and there's many things occupying us outside of our racing hobby. Thankfully professional sport continues and racing will give us something to look forward to over the next few months. 

The perfect jumps package?

I would like to think my Members' Club is the perfect place to be for jumps enthusiasts this winter. There's that mix of opinion/tips you can just follow, part 'magazine subscription', but also stats/trends/previews etc that with any luck help you solve the puzzle yourself. There's also the RTP community, and many a shrewd comment posted to ponder.

Don't forget you get access to...
  • Daily Tips/Insight from Adam Norman (pro punter, occasional RTV pundit - you can read more about him HERE>>>, he was also interviewed by Simon Nott at Star Sports as part of their 'Betting People' series with over 6000 views so far)
  • Big Race previews/thoughts/tips from myself, usually looking at a couple of the big Saturday handicaps and the spring Festivals.
  • Trainer stats / systems / starting points
  • Weekly Big Race trends/ stats /trainer pointers for 2+ big handicaps a week, and all out for The Cheltenham Festival. Hopefully a decent resource for the puzzle solvers out there
  • Videos - big race previews, weekend reviews and stats research from myself, and much more, inc 'betting better' type content.
  • Podcasts/Webinars - Adam and I will look to add some content along these lines, maybe racing reviews, how the punting is going, life of a pro etc. There will also be his exclusive 'Notes From The North', but lockdown allowing. In the next few days you'll get access to further pointers from his track visits in October.
  • The RTP community - which is probably one of the best bits - enjoying racing and the journey together. A friendly place in which to have some racing company, even if just online.

So plenty going on for you to pick and choose as you please, flicking through or watching what you want. Obviously long term profit is always the goal and we will be working hard to achieve that, but we have to enjoy the journey also, otherwise what's the point. It's an entertainment sport after all, and the best hobby around.

I think there's plenty of value to enjoy, but that's for you to decide and in effect you've got 60 days risk free in which to do so... with any luck team RTP can bring some cheer this winter...

You can join members such as Gerry ... "Best of Luck to yourself and Adam for the season ahead. I think the approach going forward will only add to the best racing site for racing enthusiasts. There are other sites but are mostly ranting shops. In this time more than ever we need somewhere to find distraction and a simple pleasure, watching your horse nosing ahead after the last, or has it in the bag and you're holding your breath hoping the jockey doesn’t make a hames of it at the last. Horse racing is pretty much a solitary pastime, a good day and no one to share it with, a bad one just to suck it up and move on. At least we have RTP"

Thanks for your time and all the best, 


p.s Don't miss Adam's next winner, take action and find out more HERE>>> 

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