Subject: 💰 + £280 and counting, don't miss Adam's next winner

Good evening Friend

2 winners, +14 points, +£280 to £20 bets, the perfect start... more tomorrow? 

The RTP 30 Day Trialists couldn't have wished for a better start from the new star man and daily tipster, pro punter Adam Norman. 

He's tipped five horses for us so far in November, with two winners, Why Aye 7/2 and Jersey Bean at 10/1. 

Here's what he had to say about them... Sunday's winner...

3.27 Hunt – Wye Aye – 2pts win –7/2 (gen) - WON 

"Almost unrideable at first, this five-year-old made good progress over hurdles last season with a couple of solid efforts in big field handicaps at this track. He made an eye-catching chasing debut just over a fortnight ago, staying on well over an inadequate trip, and the extra five furlongs today should suit."

And today's winner...

3.25 Exeter – Jersey Bean – 1pt EW – 10/1 General (1/5, 5p Gen) WON

"This seven-year-old has returned in great form, winning with something to spare at Newton Abbot last time from another of today’s rivals (That’s A Given – should go well again). A gritty front-runner, his jumping flaws have been ironed out and he could take some passing with the ground hopefully remaining in his favour. He remains very well handicapped on his old hurdles form."

The truth is that the one gaping hole in what I do on my blog has been a successful daily tipping element - with Adam onside I hope to have solved that problem, but of course it's early days. 

However, he has all the professionalism, knowledge and confidence you'd expect from someone who's living depends on their punting success, and has done for a number of years. 

New members are understandably delighted, some having paid for their subscription already, and we are only 3 days in :) 

Michael R - "Adam was spot on with Jersey Bean. Really enjoyed that front running performance, lovely win that at 3 miles. 11/1 was a fantastic morning price"

Chris B - "Hi Josh, managed to get on Jersey Bean @ 17/2 which paid my winter season subs in one go!"

10/1 held for a good 15 minutes after the tip went up around 9am, but he made 17/2 look value, with a superb ride from Brendan Powell. 

You've got  a FREE 30 days  to see if team RTP, including Adam, can add to your enjoyment and profit this winter. 

There's a monthly option and a season long option, and you can find out more, watch my intro video, and sign up HERE>>>

At just £10 per point Adam has nearly covered the winter fees, and at £20 per point, profit already. 


Of course, there's plenty more to get stuck into. 

My weekend review video has just been posted to members . 

Adam has 15 pages of exclusive 'Notes From The North' from his October racecourse visits which i'll publish to members on Thursday. You won't find information like this anywhere else and they will help you land on a winner or two. You can read about who's been fit, needing the run, and if they have the scope for jumping success. 

It really is the perfect jumps portfolio - tips you can follow, information you can use to help find your own winners. And all for around £5.70 per week. Bargain. 

And of course the famous RTP Community...

A couple of the regular members have been on fire... Martin C has in effect been 'tipping' in the comments for 5 months now, two horses a day... he's pulled in +57 points or so. Superb. 

Steven M started posting his selections at Newcastle few weeks back - specialising on racing at this one course... they're 5/18 (11 places) +19pts

Ultimately it's all about having fun with like minded racing enthusiasts, and November has been fun so far. 

This is your chance to join us all, for a free 30 Days. If after 30 days it's not for you, fair enough, you can cancel no questions asked. 

Adam may have a couple of tips tomorrow, price allowing. They'll be up at 9am. November/December has always been very hot for him, with his private pro punting, and now we can all cash in. Payment is secure by card, no paypal etc...


All the best, 


p.s if you've already signed up, many thanks. If you're sick of these emails already, apologies. You can just hit unsubscribe below, or ignore them :) But this promises to be the best jumps service around this winter, and I want to give you every chance to try it, risk free for 30 days... which you can do HERE>>> 

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.