Subject: Solstice edition: A year on ..... what's unfolding


Dear Friend,

It is quite incredible to consider it is a year since I launched 2020: The Alchemists' Awakening. In many ways, it seems a lifetime ago. But then again, I feel I am jumping timelines more often than ever before.

Do you? The feeling everything is moving ahead, then suddenly stops, without warning, a shift in frequency, like a dip on a rollercoaster, before it picks up again. If so, then you too are in tune with the energetics of the Cosmics.



With less than 2 hours to Solstice, take some time to consider just how much has shifted for you in the past year. Did the teachings and wisdom of the books have an effect on how you regard life, perhaps encouraged you to step up to the next level?

If you never dived in, it's never too late to order your copy of volume one and two. If they are sitting on the shelf, I invite you to randomly open a page and see what reminder you can receive. What intention can you set for this coming six months to shift and upgrade your life?

Talking of moving forward, I am moving my focus for the next 12 months at least towards working with Enigmas and Prodigies. It is time to influence the energetics of the Collective on a wider scale, so the ripples of next-level consciousness can tidal wave out.

I'm sounding the calling of my Soul for both types of people - who springs to your mind that you know who would be ideal to explore the deep truth of who they really are?

THE ENIGMAS  - the successful leaders in their field, in corporate or their own business, who continually strive for the more, yet underneath, are really questioning the Bigger Picture - what are they really here for? These people are ready to claim and own the greatest version of their brilliance. To end the seeking.

It starts with The Enigma Initiation

 THE PRODIGIES  - have already made it in their field of excellence, top of their game. The actors, artists, chefs, dancers - the creative artisans who are terrified that it could all disappear overnight. Then who would they be without the ego and accolades? They are desperate to liberate themselves whilst maintaining their innate power and genius, ensuring their minds do not suffocate them with the burdens of brilliance.

The Prodigy Initiation is the gateway to mastering the truth of their Genius.

If you know anyone who fits the bill and could curious to discover their truth and freedom, please feel free to forward them this email or contact me  

I will acknowledge your contribution by offering exclusive session time with me, to revolutionise one specific issue in your life. Not available anywhere else. It could of course, be you, who is ready to move forward like never before. You know where to find me.


For now, get clear on what's not crossing the line beyond Solstice this year for you. Such a powerful time to own your Sovereignty.

Keep morphing into the next version of who you are becoming.

See you in the ethers,

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