Dear Friend,
I was set a challenge “to write where I am at right now, the intimate truth to see the power”. The words just flowed which I feel called to share….
I have claimed my liberation – just putting to bed the last of the shackles which are keeping me tied to the mundane, to be free of a space that has been part of my business for eight years. Time to move on, evolve. Explore new crevices and cracks to prize open, shining the light for those who are ready to see their brilliance awaiting them.
To go underground, or perhaps the underworld, to soak in the mystical, magical space of the Void, where I scatter new seeds in the dark. Thew will bloom when the tide turns in February/ March next year. So much awaits which my mind cannot possibly conceive, so I commit to emptying the vessel, immersing in the freedom, awaiting the possibilities beyond comprehension.
I already have a taste of the frequencies which are hurtling towards us, I touch the magic in the ethers. Next year, it is time to reign them in, tether them to the collective consciousness and weave the net of the next level of evolution for humanity to experience. It can only be done when I prostrate to the Nothing, which is everything.
As I do, new people come are coming into my life, magnetically drawn to switching their coding back on to their tone of Prodigy. It is simply a joy for me to recode, reseed, rewire these powerful Souls into Becoming Who They Are. It took me a week to create what I used to call in through a year not that long ago, and all I do is show up and play – witnessing what comes through me to morph and shape this willingly pliable mind and body in front of me.
So they too claim their authenticity, their raw power, the balance, the formless aspects of themselves. Most of my clients have tick-tocked through corporate or life situations adopting the masculine mindset and action plan, all doing and no being. Then they start to awaken, and the feminine essence wafts over them, following promises from the Light Grid of this glorious ascension into the 5D. Switching into Being, focusing on service, desperately trying to prove to themselves they are worthy of value and love. I remember that path so well.
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