Subject: Equinox & Aries Frequencies

Dear Friend

The Moment of Balance is here, where day and night are of equal length. It occurs at 03:06am UTC on March 20. Take time today so centre yourself and bring yin and yang back home in Union.

It also means the start of Aries season and I am delighted to share the first of 12 courses available on Premium Insight Timer.


It's a powerful seven-day course, including wisdom, insight and activations of Aries and Mars frequencies. You also learn the role Mars plays in your genetic Blueprint of the Gene Keys. This could be the door opener to deep healing of your core wounds.

I love to connect in the course classroom and hear how the course resonates for you. It's the deepest level of activation I have offered on Insight Timer since the Goddess series, which many of you enjoyed.

When you leave a comment, I will be able to give you a touch of personal insight into your Mars frequency. Just mention MARS in capitals and I will know we are already connected.

Also, a reminder that Blueprint Ignition Sessions are still available for the next few weeks (at regular times).

Not only will you get the Deep Dives (Synopsis, Consideration, Activation) into each of your four Prime Gifts, you will also get an hour with me to ignite these frequencies. We will work with a specific ongoing challenge you've had in your life and apply the frequencies to your encoding.

Click the button for all the details. If you love the idea of the Deep Dives for your Life's Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose but are not quite ready for a session with me, these are available as a Birthday Bundle.

There is plenty on offer to fire up the Universal Year of 8 that is officially underway with Equinox. No excuses, fire up with the Aries course and / or Blueprint Ignition Session this week. 


Until we meet in the Course Classroom or a Blueprint Ignition Session, I wish you well for the new season of powerful energies.

Josephine S


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