Subject: Ablaze - desires are debilitating

Dear Friend

I have not yet shared what exploring one of the facets of frequency could be like within The Gateway. Perhaps you prefer to know how your mind could be expanded by considering your set point, then you get to awaken to a higher vibe - if you want to.

I made this post earlier about gate 30, Celestial Fire, and offer it as food for thought.


The desires you have for your life are debilitating you.
Achieving goals can never truly fulfil what your heart is seeking.


You feel lit up with the fire of your passion for something or someone, yet anything external will always leave you wanting.


this is the shadow aspect of desire, always looking outside yourself. How long will you continue being a slave to your own desires?


You are here for the realisation that the only true desire is to be in union with your own divinity. Where you long for live out your true nature, to be at one with the exploration and expansion of the pure essence of who you really are. To allow that longing to move you forward from illusion into alignment with your true self.


Own the spark of individuation that sets the cosmos ablaze - this is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world. When you fully ignite your brilliant flame, the fire of life sweeps through to burn down all the deadwood. The dank forest of your mind and thoughts, keeping you stuck in the illusion that you are trapped.


Use the pure inner fire to burn it all down. Flare up the passion to be free. Relinquish your desires and return to the only freedom you came here to seek. It’s always been within you.


The deeper we switch to “be our longing” instead of wanting to belong to something outside ourselves, the more we bathe in the fires of fulfilment within.


We are in the transition of gate 30 Gene Keys, Celestial Fire. This sits in my moon sign, it is my lunar birthday today. I spent four or more decades desiring what I thought would fulfil me.

Now I know the only thing I call into my experience is the fire of the Universal Mind burning through my own self-expression and creativity.


To find out if your gate 30 is defined in your chart, to explore frequencies in-depth and to activate the fire of your own heart, join me in The Gateway.

I promise to set your world alight in more ways than one.

Starting Feb 21st  Find out more    

How does this resonate?

Does it light you up with possibility or throw a damper on your party?

I'm thinking of creating a free Facebook group and sharing these kinds of posts and snippets. Let me know if you would be interested in joining. Perhaps a taste of what could be discovered in depth within the Gateway.

However, if you know you are ready to dive straight in, we start next week (though you can join anytime), registration and more details can be found here:

Any questions? hit reply and I'll answer.

As always, keep your own fire burning bright to light the truth within.

Until next time,

Josephine S

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