Subject: “Reacting” vs “Responding” to crisis.There is hope😀😀😀

Hi Friend

Much of the world is in a state of panic.

When you’re presented with a scary situation, your amygdala (the fear
centre in your brain)...

...lights up like a lightbulb.

You go into “fight or flight” and blood is redirected from your brain
to your heart, lungs, and limbs so you can fight or flee.

As a result, many people “react” without thinking instead of choosing
to “respond” with intention.

Let me give you an example:

People who are reacting bought a lifetime supply of toilet paper…people
who are responding are learning, preparing, and looking for opportunities. is a great opportunity to both learn and prepare:

My friend and mentor John Assaraf is hosting a free 4 week training series
called Financial Success In Chaotic Times.

Each week he’ll reveal one BIG IDEA that is vital for you to know and
apply during this global crisis so you can not only survive but thrive in
these chaotic times.

If you don’t know who John is, he’s one of the leading experts on
mindset and behavior, and an expert at helping individuals and
entrepreneurs improve their financial situation…

...even in times of crisis.

This is the guy that was the star of the smash hit movie The Secret. He has
two New York Times best selling books. He’s been in 9 other movies
besides The Secret, including a movie with Sir Richard Branson and the
Dalai Lama.

He’s also built 5 multimillion dollar companies, and helped thousands of
individuals and entrepreneurs accelerate their financial success.

John is also super-approachable--especially for someone who has been so

Click here to register for the LIVE training series.

You'll really enjoy this, I promise.

Click below to go for the free training

PS: Around 3% of people respond to crisis in a way that is highly useful
(instead of reacting).

These people do more than improve their situation…

...they help everyone around them.

The world needs more people who “respond” to crisis instead of
“reacting”, because their actions have a positive ripple effect.

YOU can be one of those people... this training will show you how.

here is the link again

Cheers Sylvia

Ps: If you haven't signed up yet please do so it is free..