Subject: How are you feeling...😀😀😀

How are you feeling, Friend

Do you feel calm and prepared, or do you feel…

...uncertain and fearful?

During chaotic times--like we’re going through now--fear and panic can
easily take over and cause you to react instead of respond.

Fear-driven reactions (or lack of action due to overwhelm) are even more
damaging during times of crisis than they would be normally.

I don’t want you to experience the financial losses and personal pain and
the suffering that can be caused by lack of action or the wrong action in this

That’s why I’m urging you to join me in learning from mindset and money
making expert John Assaraf.

John is hosting a free 4 week training series called Financial Success In
Chaotic Times.

Each week he’ll reveal one BIG IDEA that is vital for you to know and
apply during this global crisis so you can not only survive but thrive in
these chaotic times.

John has helped me through tough times before, and I can’t wait to see
what he’s got in store for us this time.

If you don’t know who John is, he’s one of the leading experts on
mindset and behavior, and an expert at helping individuals and
entrepreneurs improve their financial situation…

...even in times of crisis.

This is the guy that was the star of the smash hit movie The Secret. He has
two New York Times best selling books. He’s been in 9 other movies
besides The Secret, including a movie with Sir Richard Branson and the
Dalai Lama.

He’s also built 5 multimillion dollar companies, and helped thousands of
individuals and entrepreneurs accelerate their financial success.

In short, he’s the real deal.

John is also one of the kindest, wisest, more aware people I've ever met.
He has a huge heart, and he’s directed it to helping hundreds of
thousands of people (like you and me).

I invite you to join me and discover what YOU need to do to flourish during
this time of crisis.

Click here to see the page with all the details of the 4 training sessions.

This crisis really can be a time of opportunity--but only if you take
immediate action.

PS: During these training sessions you’re going to learn…

*How to manage financial and emotional uncertainty in these crazy times...
*How to train your brain to make more money–even in times of crisis…
*How to protect and grow a business in this difficult economic
*How to set yourself up for the best possible financial future in the next
100 days...
*And a whole lot more about how to upgrade your mindset, skillset,
actionset, and finances…
Click below to register for the training.

All yours Sylvia