Subject: Godly Transitions and generational blessings

Godly Transitions and Generational Blessings

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Secondly, request your prayer for me and the team that produce this. We have a lot of spiritual attacks and struggles sometimes to bring out the Word. So please remember us in prayer. Very grateful for your prayer support.

When the time drew near for David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon his son. “I am about to go the way of all the earth, so be strong, act like a man, and do what the Lord your God requires: walk in obedience to him…observe his statues etc. 1 Kings 2:1-3

(Paul to Timothy) “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also". 2 Tim 2:1-2

Our God is the Eternal God who spans generations. In my wider household, many of my cousins have lost our fathers, parents etc. Some friends too recently have lost an older parent etc. As I was thinking about these things, the Holy Spirit turned my attention to godly transitions in the Bible. How the parents passed on the baton to the children. Here we look at three godly transitions: David to Solomon, Moses to Joshua and Paul to Timothy and see what we can learn from those.

1.David to Solomon: David was a man of God, a King and a Prophet. He truly walked with the Lord and wrote more scripture than many others, about 73 Psalms are attributed to him directly. Yet this transition didn’t go well at all. David did all that he could do to train Solomon at a young age and teach him the ways of the Lord (Prov 4:3,4). And also that the train of his family was carrying the Messiah. So, Solomon was reasonably Christian in the initial years, built the temple etc, but soon he went after many foreign women and they led him astray. Towards the end of his life, he worshipped idols, built groves and statues for them (1 Kings 11). He destroyed his testimony and soon God took away his kingdom after his death. 10 tribes became Israel under Jeroboam and 2 tribes came under Rehoboam his son. What a tragedy for a man who wrote 3 books of the Bible. Solomon just blew it.

So, what went wrong? Marry Right, if that goes wrong everything else will be a mess. So young people be very very careful to choose only godly partners. Those who are contemplating unbelievers, the ruins are all around us to see. It is a irreparable decision, taking many decades to mend if at all. It can ruin your very life. It’s your choice.

2. Moses to Joshua: Joshua was Moses minister, more like an Executive Assistant. When Moses would go inside the Tabernacle to meet the Lord, he would wait outside. He fought wars, while his boss Moses prayed. For 40 years Moses trained him in the ways of the Lord. We frankly don’t know much about Moses children, but Joshua was his spiritual son. In Deuteronomy, Moses gives instructions to Joshua. After his death the Holy Spirit speaks to Joshua (Chapter 1) and tells him the way to succeed is to to keep reading the Bible constantly and listen to the Lord. Only then your ways shall be prosperous. It shocks me how clearly the Lord commands Joshua to keep his mind and life in the Word of God. Finally Jesus also visits Joshua opp Jericho (Joshua 5:13-6:5). Jesus tells him hes’ with him and gives him strategies for the conquest and the rest is history. Only because Joshua was faithful to read the Bible, meditate in it and listen to the Holy Spirit, he succeeded in bringing the children of Israel into the Promised land. What's your promised land? Are you being faithful to the task that the Lord has called you to.

3. Paul to Timothy: As Bible tells us, Timothy had godly grandmother called Lois and a godly mom Eunice. Mom and granny nurtured his faith at home. When Paul saw the genuine spark of faith in this young man, he took him under his tutelage and Timothy became a part of his ministry and travels. He calls him, my own son in the faith (1Tim 1:2). He trained him so well across years and situations, that he sends him to the Church at Philippi saying, “For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state” (Phil 2:20). He also sends him to the Corinthian church saying he will remind you of my ways in Christ (1 Cor 4:17).

Because Paul spent years pouring into Timothy, this transition went well and faith was passed on from generation to generation. At the end of his life, he urges Timothy to build others who can teach in a similar manner the ways and words of Jesus. How precious his love for Timothy was, in fact the letters to him are scripture today. What do you write and commit to your sons and daughters? Is it just a secular education and better prospects, or are you passing on your precious faith to them. Do you have godly conversations on faith and scripture in your home? Or is it just news and gossip and family troubles. At least in my family the Bible was discussed by my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents etc and is the foundation of my faith and conviction. 90% of your spiritual growth happens at home, only 10% happens at the Church. Parents take heed. Even husbands spend time with your wives building them up spiritually (and vice-versa).

One life and soon it will be past, only that which is done for Christ will last. (C.T.Studd)

Godly marriages bring generational blessings. This (Lenten) season draw closer to Christ and ask him for specific Covenant Promises for your family. Every family needs to have specific Covenant promises. They are life and will lead you on till your last breath.