Subject: Time to post reviews!!!

Time to leave your review!

MONSTER is now live on Amazon!

I'm asking that all reviews be left on Amazon. If you want to be super awesome and copy the review to Goodreads as well, here's the link for that:

If you haven't finished the book yet, you still have three days. All reviews must be posted by Thursday, May 10th, or I'll send Peasblossom to your house to eat all your honey and take over all your game apps. She might even make unwanted changes to your contacts and change your ringtones, you never know...

Just kidding. But seriously, I give out a limited number of ARCS, and preference will always be given to those who review on release day. And book three is going to be crazy...

Remember, the point of a review is to guide readers who are trying to decide if this is the book for them, so keep that in mind. If you get writer's block when faced with an empty review box, here are a few ideas to get the juices flowing:

1.) Try comparing it to another author. "I enjoy X author, and this style was very similar." Or, "I enjoy X series, and this had the same humor/action/etc." Or "I'm waiting for the new book in X series, and this is exactly what I needed to tide me over." I wrote this series under the heavy influence on The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and the Anita Blake (*early* Anita Blake) by Laurell K. Hamilton, so hopefully some of that came through.

2.) Do a pros/cons list. I find this makes organizing my thoughts on something easier.

3.) When all else fails, go for a description of how you actually reacted to the book. Did you laugh out loud? Were you so caught up you had to finish it in one sitting? Did you find yourself searching for breeders that sell Czechoslovakian wolfdogs? 

Finally, let me end with a HUGE thank you. This series is super important to me, and having people like you to support it in those early days when I'm particularly raw and waiting for people's reactions means a lot. That kind of support is priceless, and it makes the nerve-wracking experience of putting myself out there that much easier.

You all rock!

Much love,


Skeleton Key Publishing, 590 W. Hwy 105, Suite #254, Monument, CO 80132, United States
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