Subject: Time to leave your review!

Time to leave your review!

DEADLINE is now live on Amazon. Please leave your review today if you have not already left one. 

I'm asking that all reviews be left on Amazon. If you want to be super awesome and copy the review to Goodreads as well, here's the link for that:

Remember, in order to remain on the ARC list for the Blood Trails series, your review must be posted by midnight today. If you don't, Peasblossom will come to your house and lick the cheese off all your Doritos.

Just kidding. But seriously, if you don't leave a review by midnight today, I'll have to give your spot on the ARC team to someone on the waiting list. And believe me when I say, you want an advance copy of book two. Trust me.

Let me end with a COLOSSAL thank you. This book is very dear to my heart, it's my most treasured book so far. The fact that you let me share it with you early, and that you agreed to use your valuable time to read and review it, means a lot. That kind of support is worth more than gold to me, and it makes the nerve-wracking experience of putting myself out there that much easier.

You are all incredible!

Much love,


Skeleton Key Publishing, 590 W. Hwy 105, Suite #254, Monument, CO 80132, United States
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