Subject: Thank you so much!

Thanks to you, TAKEN is enjoying some great urban fantasy company...
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What are readers saying about TAKEN?

"Oh boy, what a rollercoaster ride of emotions! I just couldn't stop reading and it all happened so fast, I couldn't get my breath."

"One of the best things about Taken was that I honestly did not know what was going to happen from page to page. I was shocked a number of times, especially towards the end."

"This book was fantastic on all levels. I read it in 1 day, in fact I couldn't put it down (my kids getting a video game night and pizza for dinner will attest;)."

"I've loved these so much that I am buying and sending copies of all three books (so far) to my nieces whom I've corrupted into crazy bookworms too, I can't wait to hear their thoughts!"
Grab your ebook or print copy of TAKEN now!

If you haven't yet checked out the Blood Trails series, Deadline (book 1) is $0.99 for a limited time.

Thank you so much for all the love and support. Enjoy Taken!


Stay tuned for some serious excitement. Book four is almost ready...
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