Subject: Thank you so much!

A huge thank you to everyone who made Deadline's release such an incredible success! I could not be happier with the reception my new Urban Fantasy series received. In fact, here's one of my favorite screenshots from the Top 100 Bestselling Contemporary Fantasy list:
So excited to be hanging out with the very talented Patricia Briggs!

Praise for DEADLINE:
"Jennifer Blackstream is a VERY talented writer with a unique way of bringing the reader into the story. Very intriguing."

- Capt. S. Flanigan
"I love the magic, witchy ways, and the twists and turns of the mystery that takes place in this story. Deadline is a urban fantasy that is filled with humor, suspense, and a smidge of maybe, possibly….romance, and I highly recommend! Deadline is a fantastic read!"

- Genre Minx Reviews
"The main character, Shade, of this novel is different from your run-of-the-mill urban fantasy hero/heroine because she is not automatically a ninja who knows how to kill every opponent she comes across. Instead, she's clumsy, disorganized but manages to win anyway because she is smart and resourceful. Her character does grow and change throughout the novel, but I know that her growth is still small at this point and she will continue to grow throughout the series. She is SUCH a fun, hilarious character and a heroine that you'll be rooting for as you laugh with her."

- Kate
Grab your ebook or print copy of DEADLINE:
I am having a giveaway to celebrate all the incredible reviews readers like you have left for DEADLINE. To enter, just click on one of the retailer links below. That will take you to DEADLINE'S page on that retailer where you can leave a review for DEADLINE if you haven't already. Everyone who clicks one of the five links below will be entered for a chance to win this beautiful pixie necklace. Now you can have your very own Peasblossom!

NOTE: This giveaway is meant to be a thank you to those who reviewed DEADLINE, but you do not have to leave a review to win a chance at the necklace. If you click the link below and then close that window without leaving a review, I'll have no way of knowing. 

But seriously, if you leave a review, I'll love you forever. 

The winner will be chosen Monday night, April 16th.
Review links for DEADLINE:
For those of you who enjoyed DEADLINE and want a FREE copy of the next book...

Click HERE to apply for an Advanced Reader Copy of MONSTER (Blood Trails series, #2)
Blood Trails, #2
Release Date: May 8th, 2018

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - Joseph Conrad

Still recovering from the political and personal consequences of her last case, Shade Renard is in no shape for a visit from her mentor. But when the most powerful witch in existence offers you a chance at an unqualified, unlimited favor, you take it.

To collect, Shade must find out who—or what—killed a human in one of Cleveland’s peaceful metroparks. The challenge? The lead suspect is a werewolf, found with the victim’s blood all over his face. The complication? He’s a cop. As are several of the park rangers. And they’re not happy Shade is on the case…

Success means a favor from Baba Yaga. Failure means quitting her private investigative career—forever.

Favors are never free…
To get an ARC of Monster, you need to have read and reviewed DEADLINE. 

So if you haven't picked up your copy yet, choose your retailer below and let the mystery, magic, and mayhem begin!
Grab your ebook or print copy of DEADLINE:
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." - Henri Bergson
USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Blackstream unveils a new action-packed urban fantasy series…

As a witch with a dark past, Shade Renard knows the Otherworld isn’t always successful at policing itself. Humans don’t believe in magic anymore, and their ignorance renders them easy prey. So when an FBI contact hires her to consult on a possible haunting in a missing person case, Shade seizes the opportunity to see justice done.

The investigation takes an unexpected turn when an undead crime lord shows up on her doorstep. A bold thief stole the vampire’s little black book of secrets—and he’ll pay a lot more than an FBI consulting fee to get it back. 

Powerful suspects make powerful enemies. Soon the question isn’t whether or not Shade can solve the case—it’s whether or not she can survive it if she does.

Magic, murder, and mayhem will excite and delight you. Expect no sleep until the last page turns…

Blood Trails is a captivating new urban fantasy mystery series that will plunge you into a deadly world of secrets and hidden motives. Let the intrepid PI Shade Renard and her precocious pixie familiar teach you that in a world where the supernatural run rampant, nothing is as ordinary as it seems…
*Author’s Note: Until now, I’ve only published Paranormal Romance. This book is NOT Paranormal Romance. It is Urban Fantasy. Will there be romance in the Blood Trails series? Yes. But it won’t happen right away, and when it does happen, it will not be the focus of the book. It will be a slow-burn romance with appetite-whetting sexual tension that builds over several books. Think Dresden Files meets *early* Anita Blake (i.e. pre-Blue Moon). Still with me? Good. Now go click that buy link and hold on to your pointed hats. This is going to be fun…

Grab your ebook or print copy of DEADLINE:
As you know, emails can sometimes get eaten by the gremlins of the spam/promotions/junk folder. For this reason, I always send a follow-up email to individuals on my list who did not open the first email. Sometimes you might get a second email even if you did open the first (sometimes computers make mistakes, who knew?). The best way to avoid this superfluous second email is to click a link in the first one you receive. Clicking any link in the email will tell the computer in no uncertain terms that you most certainly did receive and open the first email, and your inbox is basically gremlin-Teflon. Know that I am not trying to send you the same email twice, I am merely trying to make sure everyone gets the goodies they deserve :)

Skeleton Key Publishing, 590 W. Hwy 105, Suite #254, Monument, CO 80132, United States
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