Subject: 🔮 Urban Fantasy: How do you like your sex scenes? 🕵️‍♀️

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Poll: Sex in the Blood Trails Series: What are you expecting/hoping for?

So I had a really interesting conversation with an author friend about including sex scenes in urban fantasy. Basically, her opinion was, if readers have made it ten books into the Blood Trails series and there's been sexual tension, but no, cough, "payoff," then the readers who want a sex scene have already abandoned the series and the readers still reading will abandon it if I include an explicit/on page sex scene.

So let's be clear about a few things before I ask for input.

1.) I would never include so much sex that it slows down the plot, nor would I ever include a sex scene in a place that slows the plot. Shade will never put off talking to a murder suspect, or chasing down a monster to have a go with Liam. The Blood Trails series will always be mystery first, romance as "flavor."

2.) If I do include a sex scene, it would be intense, but not so explicit that you need a shower after. I'm not going to go George Carlin with my word choice, it will be tasteful.

3.) I'm not polling to decide what to do. I'll make the choice I think is right for the series when the time comes. However, readers like you are the reason this series is possible, and I do care what you think. It's my job to manage your expectations, so you know what you're getting, and I'm living up to the expectations I set.

I will never, ever lose sight of the fact that readers like you are the reason I can write this series in the first place, and I truly care what you think.


You can take the poll by clicking here, or copy and paste this link into your address bar:

AFTER THE POLL: Still want to chat?

After you're finished with the poll, if you have more input (and I really, really hope you all have tons of input, because I could talk about this subject forever), you can either respond to this email and chat with me, or you can go to this blogpost where you'll not only get a response from me, but you might also get input from other readers who join the conversation. Here's the blog post link if you need to copy and paste it into your address bar:

And now for a surprise...

As always, members of my mailing list are the first to see the new cover art...

SACRIFICE, Blood Trails #11

Coming September 21, 2021

Andy's back.

And there's no rest for the wicked...

Official blurb coming soon...

Preorder Now!

P.S. Apple is being a bit persnickety, so if the link doesn't work, worry not, I'll send a fresh one when I have the official blurb!

Thank you so much for making MISDIRECTION, Blood Trails #10, such a huge success!

You have no idea what all those reviews mean to me. Thank you so much!

Psst... If you missed Misdirection's release, it's not too late! Grab your copy now...

Family can be tricky.

In the Otherworld, tricky can get you killed.

Shade’s latest case from her Unseelie master drags her into the home of a ruthless Seelie lord. A set of enchanted goblets has been stolen, and he wants her to find the thief. To make matters interesting, Flint has a relationship with the Seelie lord in question—

He’s his stepbrother.

Cael is proof that not all horrors come from the darkness. As the most infamous interrogator for the Court of Light and Illusion, he’s built a reputation for torture that goes beyond the physical. And he’s looking for a reason—any reason—to subject his stepbrother to his tender mercy.

The stakes are raised when a member of the household is murdered, and Shade’s group joins the suspect list. Surrounded by secrets and treachery, Shade is forced to question the loyalties and motives of everyone around her.

Unfortunately, Cael’s patience is running out. Now he’s given Shade an ultimatum:

Catch the thief. Catch the killer.

Or pay for both with her own blood.

Available NOW!