Subject: 🔮 Thank you 🕵️‍♀️

Whew! We did it.

Thanks to you, my Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale was a roaring success. It was exactly what I needed to take my mind off how incensed my grandma was that my daughter at 95% baked beans and only 5% turkey. (Grandma's love language is food, so when I don't put "enough" of the "right food" on my daughter's plate, in my grandma's eyes I might as well cast her into the gutter while screaming "I don't love you." But I do love my daughter, and my grandma, so I smile and move on to dessert.)

Though I think I may have looked a little shell-shocked for most of the holiday:

The black think on my head is a Thera-Ice migraine mask. I wore it for two days because it's the only thing that helps my headaches and, frankly, I don't care if it's in all the pictures my mother took of me. It will probably be in all the Christmas pictures too.


If your holiday was stressful, I hope you snagged yourself a few stories to escape into during whatever quiet moments you can carve out for yourself now. If you didn't get a book during the sale, don't forget you can still kick back with my favorite goblin with the free bonus scene HERE.

Thanks again and I'll see you next month with our regularly scheduled newsletter...and our first Dear Mother Abbey segment!