Subject: 🔮 Remembering Betty White with Jennifer Blackstream 🕵️‍♀️

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This newsletter is going to be a short one for two reasons. One, I'm still fighting off some kind of bug that's trying to kill me. And two, I want to take today to remember a great lady:

Betty White.

Betty would have been 102 today. She was a hilarious, kind woman.

And a huge animal lover.

Betty left most of her money to charities that cared for our furry friends, and every year I remember her on her birthday by donating to an animal charity. This year, it was Missouri Pit Bull Rescue, which is where our sweet (and rather cowardly) Bru came from.

If you would like to remember Betty with a similar donation, I have good news for you. Last March, there was an anthology published called INSTINCT that gives 70% of all profits to Lifeline Puppy Rescue. Authors like Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Faith Hunter, and myself all wrote a new-to-the-anthology story from our best series for this collection, and each story features one of the animal companions that give our heroines and heroes the unwavering support you only find in a four-legged friend.

So if you want to remember Betty by supporting the fuzzy-faced critters she loved, you can do so right now and get seventeen stories from your favorite authors as a well-deserved thank you. And every time you read one of the stories and see a noble doggo or a fearless feline being affectionately heroic, you can smile and remember how you and Betty also helped save the day for some grateful beastie.

Happy Reading!


P.S. If you've never watched the movie LAKE PLACID, I highly, highly recommend it. Betty White is a gem, and she and Oliver Platt made that movie.